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Saying no to school trip

50 replies

Greythorne · 12/10/2013 21:58

My DS is 6, turns 7 in Dec.
School trip for 5 nights coming up in a few months.

DS not keen to go. I am not keen for him to go.

Would it be very wrong of me to say no to the trip?

OP posts:
Whereisegg · 13/10/2013 21:55

Hmmmm a mix of opinions here.

You know your child best op, it does seem a long trip for a 7yr old.
My dd just did a 5 night trip with school but she's 10.

If you think there's any chance he might change his mind and that he would cope if he did, maybe start putting money away to cover the cost now so its not an issue if he does.
Then, if he doesn't change his mind, you have a bit of cash for some treats the week his classmates are away so he also has a special time, maybe a weekend somewhere?

BackforGood · 13/10/2013 22:59

Not that much of a mix!
The vast majority are saying it's too young.

stealthsquiggle · 13/10/2013 23:02

OP are you in the UK? This sort of trip seems to be much more the norm in, for example, France.

Whereisegg · 13/10/2013 23:06

Yes, but not all.

As I said, the op knows her child best.

Fwiw my dd would have been fine with that, but I wouldn't have let her. I was bad enough with the one she just went on.

The school must have had success with this I would think, unless this is the first year they've attempted it.

Worried123456 · 13/10/2013 23:09

Is this a private school?

morethanpotatoprints · 14/10/2013 00:02

OMG, far too young imo, especially as he doesn't want to go.
We always said no to residentials even at y6 and our dc had loads of fun at home for the week or we took them away ourselves.
You shouldn't feel presurised if you don't want to agree to it, they aren't compulsory.

Greythorne · 14/10/2013 00:34

France, not UK.

OP posts:
LaBelleDameSansPatience · 14/10/2013 07:11

In our school huge amounts of pressure are put on y6 children to do the 5 day residential. Any that don't go stay in school with the y5's and are made to feel very out of things. Dreading DD getting to that age - she is 7 and has never been away for a night. Several of her 9-year-old friends are the same.

Picturesinthefirelight · 14/10/2013 07:20

That does seem very young

At ds school there is an overnighter in Year 3 then a 5 night outward bound in year 5.

Whereisegg · 14/10/2013 08:34

LaBelle, that sounds awful!
Any of the children in dd's year that didn't go on the trip had an activity week at school.
All non uniform and trips swimming/cinema etc for a nominal fee.
It's as much for the parents that can't afford the residential (over £300 inc all the gear they need) as the children that don't want to go.

ErrolTheDragon · 14/10/2013 08:44

What sort of trip is it? (curious why they'd do a trip of this length so young in France). I'd say no anyway if your DS isn't keen. My DD would def have been too young then, absolutely fine by yr5/6.

pointyfangs · 14/10/2013 08:50

LaBelle that's awful. The ones who don't go on the Yr6 France trip at DD2's school most certainly are not left to mope in the classroom - those days that don't fall on weekends are spent off curriculum, doing adventure activities, going bowling and having all kinds of interesting field trips. We live in quite a deprived area and the school doesn't have a hardship fund that can cover big trips, but it can certainly cover something fun for those who can't go.

MomentForLife · 14/10/2013 08:55

That's awful LaBelle. I think if my daughter didn't want to go on a residential I would argue my case that we'd go on a family holiday that week unless she really wanted to to the activities the school put on during the week.

LaBelleDameSansPatience · 14/10/2013 09:25

The thing is, there are no other activities in school. Year 6 goes on the 5-day outward-bound residential (which apparently counts towards PE) and the rest of the school are having a normal teaching week. So if you don't go you either stay with the year 5's and join in their lessons or it is 'unauthorised absence'.

RatherBeOnThePiste · 14/10/2013 09:28

I just don't see that this kind of trip at this age is necessary. My DC primary had one residential trip in the summer of Year 6, fine by me.

stealthsquiggle · 14/10/2013 13:26

Thing is, OP, you will get almost universal 'I wouldn't let my child go' from UK parents, but as I understand it such trips are very much the norm in French schools, and you risk you (and more importantly your DS) being the odd one out in not going, which IMO changes the equation significantly.

Do you have a feel for what proportion of the DC are likely to go?

Looksgoodingravy · 14/10/2013 15:09

Ds has just spent a night away for his first residential, he's in Y2 and thoroughly enjoyed it, he was excited for weeks before.

It all depends on the child though, I'm pretty sure ds would jump at the chance of a five night sleep-over but the same doesn't apply to all children. I'd feel bad for a child if they were the only ones out of their class not going, it's something that will be discussed in subsequent lessons no doubt and I'm sure the child/ren who don't go will feel left out.

Scarynuff · 14/10/2013 16:45

I work in Year 2 and cannot imagine the children coping with a 5 day residential.

PrimalLass · 14/10/2013 17:09

No - too long too young.

Hulababy · 14/10/2013 17:18

It seems very unusual to have such a long residential trip in Y2, infants. Maybe 1 night to get them prepared for junior trips would be more appropriate tbh.

I work in Y2 and no way would I want to take them away for 5 nights. We have looked into a one night residential locally as a possibility, but nothing more.

DD's primary school did residentials from Y3 onwards, but 3 nights only. Y3/4 trip was about an hour away so not too far. Y5 trip was France, Y6 a PGL one. Every child went (small school) and it went well, but it was much shorter and another year older, and somehow being in Juniors just makes them seem, and often feel, a bit older.

I would have allowed DD to go because I know she would have wanted to go with her friends. But I'd have felt it was too much too soon tbh.

rac321 · 15/10/2013 11:43

I agree, an overnight stop (never mind a 5 night stop) is too much for many 6-7yr olds. DS wouldn't have enjoyed it at that age. At our school they just go away in Year 6 for 3 nights, which is ideal.

aparentsview · 07/12/2013 03:09

I write the following not necessarily for this post or forum, but I feel it generally needs to be said.

I have to say that I think that Year 6 (the old final year of primary school) is more than early enough for residential trips away from home. I do not feel by young children not going away on residential trips from home prior to this in Y5, Y4 or Y3 even mean that there is going to be a detriment in their personal development.

Another thing that these primary schools need to do is to communicate better with parents of young primary school children, prior to telling the children that there is this lovely school trip that all in their year will be going to, when some are as young as 7/8 years old. This puts pressure on the parents, when the child automatically expects to go, when parents are not comfortable with their children being sent off for up to 5 days away from home.

I have heard that the schools are doing this for team building, or leadership development. I do not feel that their personal development will be stunted in any way. This would be like suggesting that any child that has not gone to beavers, scouts, equivalent is going to suffer because of not being away from home when they are like 7/8.
I have noticed, and from my own experience, most if not all primary schools, only did away trips for primary school children to stay nights away from home in the final year of primary school (Y6), when they are mostly almost 11 years old, some may still be 10, but some may be 3/4 months short of 12 years old if they have early birthdays in the year. However, as the years have gone by, schools appear to be making such trips such earlier.

What’s the rush? Year 6 being away from home for a week is early and young enough for children to reap the benefits and was always intended and placed in the last year for trips away in high school.
Whilst some parents may be comfortable with the business of their young children, I wonder if some of them if it’s purely for the development of the children or in fact an opportunity for some me time for themselves. That is one side of the issue.

I think the other side of the issue is that some parents are simply too afraid and concerned about being the odd ones out and speaking out to the schools in question. Listen, if we follow the governing bodies and say nothing all the time, they (the governing bodies) will just do what they want. What next? - Away residential trips for your Y1/Y2’s, you okay with that people? I hear the schools saying.
Parents are the ones ultimately responsible for their children, so I really think we need to get back to taking responsibility of our own children.

In this context, we should not be pressurised into thinking that sending 7-9 years old for a week away from home is not too young, when sorry in my opinion it is, because an away from home trip in the final year of primary school is early and young enough. After all, they do have many day trips throughout the years with many team building, activities etc to suffice.


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mammadiggingdeep · 07/12/2013 09:41

I think it is very much still the norm to do a year 6 residential. Some schools do offer a one-night stay in year 4 or five (I have heard of a few in year 3 too). It is very unusual to hear of a longer stay at year 3 or 4.

OsmiumPhazer · 07/12/2013 19:03

5 nights for an 8 year old is'nt that long, I spent 2 weeks in Sayers Croft as a 8 year old and it done me a world of good. Added to this was a 3 month period spent in a childrens home in Stevenage at 5. I think you will find that many children are resiliant

lljkk · 07/12/2013 20:17

Are the French general keener (than Brits) on kids being independent & self-sufficient?

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