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do you think kids spend enough time outdoors at primary school?

38 replies

mirandah2478 · 28/03/2013 22:06

Just wondering what people's experiences are with primary schools getting kids outside - has anyone found a school that has a really strong policy of taking them out whatever the weather? And does anyone have to send outdoor clothes into school? Also, personally I am finding it hard sometimes to find time to take them out to the park etc after school because of fitting in homework, making tea and things (and I'm also doing a full time degree), does anyone have the same problem? I'm researching outdoor activities for my degree so I'm interested to hear people's ideas for that as well.

OP posts:
NeilOPALplay · 29/04/2013 16:43

Sorry if this feels like a bit of an advert but anyone wanting to find a school that has a really positive approach to outdoor play in ALL weathers (with coats and wellies for every pupil at a very large school) should check out Beacon Rise Primary in Bristol. has loads of photos of play throughout the website and the Head, Chris, is a total believer in the many benefits of `proper' outdoor play, not just a bit of expensive mass produced equipment such as trim trails or climbing frames - high in cost, low in play value.
Look at their website and you'll see what rich, beneficial and fun play provision really looks like.

My organisation, OPAL provides a full development programme for primary/early years settings that was tested and approved over several years by a local education authority before we opened it up to all schools. Beacon Rise Primary is just one of over 100 schools now running the OPAL programme across the UK. We've been independently assessed by Play England and two universities (report available), plus we have been cited by government as UK best practice.
We don't just transform the play environment, we address the school's cultural approach to play through better policy, we sort out teacher/supervisor training, tackle all the unfounded risk concerns and maximise the play and learning potential of the whole school.
Anyone (parent, governor, teacher) who is perhaps considering improving the play and learning environment at their school can contact me if they want more information.

mrz · 03/04/2013 13:00
mirandah2478 · 02/04/2013 12:33

thanks mrz the nature kindergartens look amazing :) I really wish more of that approach could filter through to primary schools, just like MilkRunningOutAgain says - many kids really need that time outdoors, it's not just a luxury it actually makes them physically and mentally unwell to be stuck inside all day. Even the government realises this now but they don't seem to be acting on their own advice a lot of the time. They've published this paper saying how we all need to spend time in natural environments, and then they go and pile on the pressure for schools to meet targets which force them to prioritise indoor activities, not to mention authorising the sale of school playing areas! :(

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DontCallMeBaby · 01/04/2013 13:31

DD's school has outdoor classrooms for Yr R, but they're not brilliant - more messy stuff that's easier to do outdoors than indoors (water play etc) than proper outdoor stuff. So KS1 now has a proper outdoor learning area, not sure what use is made of it though. There's also a wildlife garden and veg garden, but the former especially is underused.

DD is in Yr 4 now, and sometimes misses out on outdoor lunchtimes altogether due to a combination of slow eating and lunchtime (indoor) activities. That's her choice though.

There's not a strong policy for outdoor learning, but the school's usually sensible, IMO. I was pleased (in a way!) for instance to get DD's PE kit back for an early was last term as it was COVERED in mud. I was glad to see the school is using their excellent grounds rather than assuming the kids cannot out until the ground is perfectly dry.

MilkRunningOutAgain · 01/04/2013 13:15

My kids school was quite good at getting the kids out and about until we lost our old head as a result of being found to be in need of improvement by ofsted. Since then the new super head who is improving things, in theory at any rate, has stopped afternoon break for all kids, volume of PE done is awful, my yr 5 had 30 mins outdoor PE last half term, and rarely get out for morning break or at lunchtime. Result? My DS has been in endless detentions as he needs a break from the class to let off steam. He did have this problem in ks1, but had been managing well in ks2 until the new policies came in. And it isn't just him, the school now has a recognised behaviour problem for ks2 boys. I am starting to think of moving him, at the moment it isn't working for us.

mirandah2478 · 01/04/2013 12:07

lol yes it does amaze me how scared of the rain many people are, you'd think we'd all be more able to cope with it given how much it rains here! I don't think anyone would want their child being wet and cold all day but all it takes is having some decent outdoor clothes, or even just a change of clothes so they can get warm and dry afterward. Definitely in my experience doing some kind of exercise that gets you warm is a good way to enjoy being outside in cold/wet weather. Anyone have any good suggestions for activities that help keep you warm outdoors?
Also if anyone hasn't done my survey for my dissertation research please could you spare a minute or two to complete it? You could win a prize! :)

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mrz · 31/03/2013 07:59

and yes we have parents who are shocked that we will be taking their child outdoors even if it is cold and moan that their child may dissolve in the rain Hmm

mrz · 31/03/2013 07:57

We use ours for a variety of uses - gathering together for whole class instruction before going off to complete an activity and regrouping to share findings later, storytelling on a wet day, just listening to the rain on the roof and copying with musical instruments, a central point for resources, art, music performances...

We are having a bird hide installed over Easter so we will no longer need to use the outdoor classroom for this.

mirandah2478 · 30/03/2013 22:03

thanks mrz, I had a look at the outdoor classrooms and realised that my kids' school has one but I've never seen anyone use it other than sheltering from the rain before school opens! Anyone have examples of good ways of making use of them?
Also I'd be interested to know if anyone doesn't like their children doing outdoor learning for any reason?

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Tiggles · 30/03/2013 21:20

My boys go to a rural school in Wales. Foundation phase (Which goes up to end of y2 in Wales) are fairly free flow in and out of doors, with same learning experience set up for indoors as outdoors. Half a day a week has to be spent outdoors, irrespective of weather - heavy rain, snow, sun etc. (from nursery age upwards).
In KS2 they might have odd lessons outdoors in the summer, but most formal learning takes place in the classroom. However, again they have half a day a week, irrespective of weather, outdoor learning.

Waterproofs and wellies are part of the school uniform list, and on 'outdoor day' they wear their own clothes in the school colours. I think they have enough wellies and waterproofs for the nursery class.

intheshed · 30/03/2013 20:18

The school I work at recently introduced a policy of letting the kids play outside in the rain at playtime, as long as they have the right clothes for it. It's great apart from when I'm in playground duty and it's pissing it down

They also encourage children to bring sledges to school when it snows.

mirandah2478 · 30/03/2013 13:03

what do outdoor classrooms consist of? sounds like a great idea. Going to take some of my own advice and have a break from writing my dissertation and get outside in the beautiful sunshine! :)

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Noggie · 29/03/2013 20:18

My dd is outside for break and lunch. They have an amazing adventure playground and outdoor class room which get used a lot - I think being outside is so healthy for everyone! Def helps reduce cabin fever/ tension for adults and kids alikeWink

vikinglights · 29/03/2013 18:49

Dd1 is out a lot (disclaimer we're in rural norway) its about two hours a day split between break times and outdoor lessons (gym, science, whatever). Her kit cubby is currentlt filled with:- snow suit, all weather trousers and jacket, rain trousers and jacket, lined wellies, snow boots, allorted hats/gloves/woolly socks, full change of clothes and indoor pe kit not to mention skis and ice skates that are often added ibto the mix! Good job they're not short on space ......

mirandah2478 · 29/03/2013 17:16

Snow play sounds amazing! It's great to hear so many good ideas about outdoor play and learning. The thing I really love about doing dance outside is that it gets you warm! I've had people moaning about going out in the cold before a lesson in winter and then 10 mins later asking to take their coats off - and that was the grown ups!
If any of you have a minute to fill in my little online survey that I'm using for my dissertation on outdoor dance and creative movement, I'd really appreciate it. I just want to get as many opinions as possible from parents, carers and teachers who really know how these things work best day to day rather than creating some theory that is completely impractical for anyone in real life! (and also I know everyone's busy so I'm doing a little prize draw as an incentive :))
here's the link:

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trinity0097 · 29/03/2013 16:44

I work in a prep school, we keep them out in most weathers at break time, has to be heavy rain, not just rain for wet break. Games is almost always outside, if it's been snowy then it's snow play/sledging down the 2nd fairway. The parents know what we send them out and send them to school with appropriate outdoor clothes and their sledges!

lljkk · 29/03/2013 14:56

Our reception are lucky to get more than 20 minutes outside at lunchtime. I suppose it's 25 minutes if you include lining-up time.

Hulababy · 29/03/2013 14:27

Lljkk - ours get 30-40 min at lunch once you take food time off. And we go out in all weathers; I hate the wet and windy break duty lol. However better to get them out than keep them In ime.

mirandah2478 · 29/03/2013 13:26

that's great they got to do a gym class in the snow! I always wonder how much time children get outside in countries with much more extreme weather than we have - from the little I know it seems that many places are just better prepared for going outside and have warm clothes as a matter of course.

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mrz · 29/03/2013 12:57

KS2 have about an hour outdoor play, they have their own outdoor classroom and we have an allotment so there is a gardening club and we also work closely with taking children on survival training and lots of exciting outdoor activities.


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ProbablyJustGas · 29/03/2013 12:52

dsd has been outside a fair bit this year. Her class took walks around town when they were learning about the area and have had gym class in the snow. it's a suburban school so going into the forest would be a production for them but her teachers have still gotten them outdoors for learning. break is usually outdoors. we send spare trousers.

mirandah2478 · 29/03/2013 11:51

those last two posts show how much schools can vary in their attitude to outdoor play and learning! mrz, do the KS2 kids get to go out a lot too?
what does anyone think about the difference it makes to kids when they get to go outside? I know my family gets kind of 'cabin fever' if we stay in all day, everyone ends up annoying each other!
I guess schools are under a lot of pressure to meet learning targets etc so if outdoor activities can tie in with the curriculum then maybe that helps. I've been teaching outdoor dance and creative movement recently (as I'm studying choreography) so that covers some of the PE curriculum, but can also bring in other things like PSHE. I haven't found many other places that do much dance outside though, does anyone else know any schools that have?

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MNetBlackpoolLE · 29/03/2013 11:10

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