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Year 2 question/s!

17 replies

Cookingmonster · 16/02/2013 22:02

My DS is in Year 2 and by all reports is doing very well. He got a 2a for reading and writing at the end of Year 1 and a 2c for Maths. I had hoped that Year 2 would see him being stretched, and I thought it would be a fairly comfortable year for him.

His teacher pulled me aside 2 weeks ago saying I may need to help him at home to work on describing words in his writing. No problem, I got him to write a story for me, his describing words seemed really well thought out to me but there was a host of problems from story structure to mixing tenses. We started to work on literacy for 20 minutes, maybe 4 times a week. This week, I got told his Maths needed work with problem solving. Cue another session finding out he is not confident with maths work in general.

We do homework together and reading for about 20 minutes a night.

I feel he is being pushed quite hard atm. I'm not against this as such but I do wonder why? Would it be SATS pressure or do the school have a responsibility to show a certain progression from Year 1 to Year 2.

I have a parent/teacher night coming up so I'll get to know targets but I would like to understand the schools perspective about it.

Any thoughts?

OP posts:
soupdragonpeasoup · 19/02/2013 12:15

My son has made one sub level progress Sep to Dec in year 2. he is now 1a for reading and 1a- for maths and literacy. he has made progress from 1b but school are saying not enough progress is being made and he is behind academically and struggling to understand- should we be measuring progress or levels at this age? i was assuming that Ds will finish 2c at end of year - should i be worried - confused

mrz · 18/02/2013 09:07

Then how do you ensure most children make 2 full levels progress across the KS?

postmanpatscat · 18/02/2013 08:45

No, mrz, it doesn't.

mrz · 17/02/2013 17:05

Yes 1A 2C 2B 2A 3C ...
1A to 2A would be 3 sub levels or 1 full level

Rollergirl1 · 17/02/2013 17:02

I just have a quick question about levels/sub-levels. What is counted as a sub-level? For example, moving from 1a to 2a, does it go 1a-2c-2b-2a-3c or does it go 1a-2-2c-2b-2a-3-3c?

I just learned at Parents evening that DD is expected to reach Level 3 (no letter was mentioned) across the board at end of Yr2. She was 1a across the board at the end of Yr1 so just trying to work out how many sub-levels.

mrz · 17/02/2013 16:39

They wouldn't learnandsay but postmanpatscat is a teacher and a member of the SLT so should know

learnandsay · 17/02/2013 16:35

Would a mum know something like that?

mrz · 17/02/2013 15:38

So does your school expect Y1 teachers to ensure most children make more than a full level progress ?

postmanpatscat · 17/02/2013 15:34

It is not expected that a child would be able to move from 2c to 3c in a year, but the pressure is probably on his teacher to try and make that happen! I taught year 2 for many years and always had to justify the results. Some children make 1 sublevel progress in a year, most make 2, some make 3 or even 4 (rare!)

Cookingmonster · 17/02/2013 14:54

Thanks mrz. I was hoping for a response like that. I hope my ds is just getting a push now and things will calm down after the break.

I wonder if his targets are 1 full level for this year. I guess I'll find out at the parent/teacher meeting.

OP posts:
mrz · 17/02/2013 14:44

It is expected that most children will make 2 full levels progress over the two years of KS1 not that this will be 1 full level each year. Some children may have a spurt in Y1, some in Y2 for example. Children rarely make a nice straight progress graphs.

Cookingmonster · 17/02/2013 14:39

Let me just reiterate. I have no problem with doing any amount of work with him at home and he is doing very well at school. He is in the top tables for everything.

I have just gone from doing homework and reading with him to working with him every day on literacy and maths. I'm no teacher but I think his work is better than I would have expected for a 7yo. I guess I'm just confused about how much I realistically should be doing with him.

Is it expected to advance 3 sublevels in Year 2 even with above average results in Year 1?

Redskyatnight- This is what has been asked of us but as I said, he needs to work on story structure and tense as well.

OP posts:
mrz · 17/02/2013 10:35

I would imagine that is the type of thing the teacher meant redskyatnight

redskyatnight · 17/02/2013 10:31

That sounds a lot to be doing at home.
I'm wondering what the teacher actually asked you to do?

For example, DD has been asked to work on thinking of more exciting describing words and we're doing this (at her suggestion as it's what they do at school) by thinking of a word and then coming up with synonyms. e.g. if the words is "small" what word could you use instead?

mrz · 17/02/2013 10:14

If his writing and maths are as poor as you describe I'm not sure how he has managed to achieve level 2s in Y1.

Children in Y2 are assessed continually and it is Teacher Assessment levels that are reported so I can't imagine SAT pressures have anything to do with the teacher's concerns.

learnandsay · 17/02/2013 10:11

Is it a problem if a parent is being asked/encouraged to stretch a child at home as long as the parent is able/willing? Doesn't the problem arise if the parent is unable/unwilling?

postmanpatscat · 17/02/2013 10:02

Sounds to me like you're being asked to do the teacher's job!
Based on year 1 levels, he should get 3b for reading and writing and 2a, though ideally 3c, for maths. Is he in the top group, and being taught what he needs to improve? or is the focus on the lower achievers at his expense?

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