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Expected progress from end of r to end of y2

79 replies

Iamnotminterested · 28/01/2013 10:10

Is it 2 full levels or have I dreamt that up?


OP posts:
mrz · 28/01/2013 20:48

Two full levels over the Key Stage so if your child ended reception at level 1c they would be expected to be 3c at the end of Y2 (of course children don't always follow nice linear patterns of progress so make make more or less progress for lots of good reasons)

mrz · 28/01/2013 20:49

Nothing is reserved for higher years.

mrz · 28/01/2013 20:50

If it were there would be no children achieving level 3 in Y2 or level 5 or 6 at the end of Y6 as these are expected levels for 14 year olds

numbum · 28/01/2013 20:52

You should have added 'at a decent school' to the end of that sentence mrz!

learnandsay · 28/01/2013 20:52

Ideally, not, no. But I've heard endless stories where parents have changed schools because their children were denied access to higher year's materials. (With a constant draining fight involving the head. It's a bit of a cliché.)

numbum · 28/01/2013 20:54

'Nothing is reserved for higher years.' I meant that sentence (I need to learn to type faster)

numbum · 28/01/2013 20:54

Maybe they just weren't ready for the higher year materials.

mrz · 28/01/2013 20:56

So you've not heard of any child achieve level 3 in Y2? or and child achieve level 5 or 6 in Y6? learnandsay

learnandsay · 28/01/2013 20:59

Maybe they were and maybe they weren't. But I find it hard to see how denying them access is helpful. Because the materials are available at WH Smiths anyway. So, in a fight between the parent and the school about what the child should access a determined parent is going to win anyway, (assuming she can buy WH Smith material.)

learnandsay · 28/01/2013 21:00

Yes there are, mrz. But not in all schools.

mrz · 28/01/2013 21:04

We could give reception quadratic equations, they aren't ready for the materials yet but why deny them access when parents can just buy a book at WHS Hmm
or would it be more appropriate to teach them the next developmental step in the learning process

Feenie · 28/01/2013 21:07

Yes there are, mrz. But not in all schools.

Really? Show me a school with 0% level 3 in Year 2 and 0% level 5 in Y6 year on year then, lands.

learnandsay · 28/01/2013 21:07

I'm not talking about the whole class! I'm talking about certain children, like my friend's. He's a maths whiz and has decided, for fun, to teach his seven year old daughter algebra. He thinks it's amusing. She can do it, apparently.

Tgger · 28/01/2013 21:09

Good for her and him. And the point is?

mrz · 28/01/2013 21:09

about 40% of pupils nationally achieve level 5 or above

learnandsay · 28/01/2013 21:09

That's where the phrase special measures comes from, mrz.

mrz · 28/01/2013 21:11

reception children are taught algebra in the EYFS curriculum

Tgger · 28/01/2013 21:11

What does level 5 mean in lay man's language? Can write a decent story that has structure with correct punctuation, spelling, and broad vocabularly? Or is this more level 3?

Feenie · 28/01/2013 21:12

That's where the phrase special measures comes from, mrz.

What? Confused

simpson · 28/01/2013 21:15

But surely a lot of it comes down to maturity, yes a child at the end of reception who is a 1C would be expected to be a 3C at the end of yr2 but what about the children who are higher than a 1C at the end of r??

There must come a point where they will not make 2 levels of progress as they are not mature enough (ie if they are on a 2C or higher) as KS1 is not geared towards teaching level 3 let alone level 4 obviously....

simpson · 28/01/2013 21:18

Tgger - I don't know what a level 3 entails but I have been told by DS's teacher (yr3) that the gap between 3C, 3B and 3A are all pretty big so I would have thought a younger child would find it tough (am thinking of writing in particular).

I was told it was the language used expressive words (words with feelings was how she described it) and descriptive words are crucial.

mrz · 28/01/2013 21:20

KS1 is geared toward teaching whatever level a child is working on and there are children who achieve level 4 in Y2


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mrz · 28/01/2013 21:21

Level 2 is actually the broadest level

simpson · 28/01/2013 21:21

Mrz - how are reception children taught algebra??

My DS is 7 and he reads books on algebra and does it in his own time (I could not help him, I is fick)...

learnandsay · 28/01/2013 21:21

Not in every school there aren't.

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