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what is Early intervention team?

4 replies

gsmith · 22/03/2012 15:51

I am a new member.i am not sure this is the right place to ask this question.
My son is in year1. he has been late to school on 10 occasions(Late before Register closed).I got letter from school saying that If there is no improvement in his punctuality they will refer to early Intervention Team.what exactly is early Intervention Team?what do they do?

OP posts:
lou2321 · 23/03/2012 20:01

I have heard of an early intervention team before but never in this context. I understood that persistent lateness is reported to the LEA though, schools do take it quite seriously though as if a child is late then they can miss key parts of their learning and it can be upsetting for the child.

If you are unsure just speak to the school as you have a right to an explanation of what it means.

roadkillbunny · 22/03/2012 23:04

I agree with everybody else, I haven't come across the term but it will just be concern for the amount of lateness and they will want to know why he has been late so often and find out if you need any support as a family to deal with anything that the lateness maybe a symptom of (for example if the child had behaviour problems that meant that getting out of the house/walking to school in the morning was difficult they would try and find the help and support needed to improve the situation.
If there was a reason for the lateness other then simply not getting up and organised in time to get to school on time I would be welcoming their help with open arms and if it was simply a case of bad planning or an unlucky run of events I would just be making sure it didn't happen again, I don't think it is hard not to be late for school if their are no extra needs, in the 4 years since my dd started pre-school and then school she has never been late even when I have been taken into hospital in emergency and now in the past 8 weeks I have been in a wheelchair unable to get in and out of my house without help and live a half mile from school with no transport!

HamblesHandbag · 22/03/2012 18:45

it sounds like people who get in touch with families to make sure they're ok and that the lateness is not a symptom of other problems. If there are other problems, like illness or whatever, they will want to find a way to help.

Don't worry, they just want to make sure you and your family are ok!

RiversideMum · 22/03/2012 18:42

Not heard of this term. But probably a team in school or a cluster of schools who try to deal with problems before the Educational Welfare Officer gets involved.

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