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french in primary school

51 replies

3duracellbunnies · 17/09/2011 07:19

I'm new to mumsnet, but have read posts for a while. I am a bit concerned about my dd2 who is in yr2. Her form teacher is teaching them french, but dd1 is coming home pronouncing words as we would say them in English, e.g. lion. She says her teacher opens the book and reads the word out to them. Dh's family are french so he is gettling a bit concerned. We end up correcting her, but are worried the incorrect pronounciation may stick.

Her teacher is v nice, she had her last year too, and I have a potential solution in that I know a retired french teacher who drops her grandsons at the school and says she might be able to teach a bit or help her. I am just not sure how best to approach it, talk to the teacher directly or whether to talk to the head so I don't upset her feelings. It's not that I expect her to become fluent , but I don't want her learning it incorectly. It is also quite possible that she is being taught it correctly but forgetting when she gets home. Any advice?

OP posts:
stealthsquiggle · 19/09/2011 17:16

I am not saying that it has to be a native speaker - clearly that is impractical for many schools - but, as you say, pronunciation needs to be reasonably accurate - and if there is no native speaker then they should be making use of as many other resources as possible to make sure the DC hear native speakers as much as they can. If, as in the OP's case, things are being pronounced so wrong as to be incomprehensible to native speakers of the language in question, then what is the point of teaching them? (and yes, I know, these things are forced on schools, otherwise they would be able to make sensible decisions)

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