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Primary education

Meeting with the inclusioon leader. What do i say ?

26 replies

corinewmoon · 11/07/2011 09:20

I am really concerned about DS lack of progress in maths. He is in year 4 and his maths level is 2b , he has made no progress this year. We have been having extra tutoring since the begining of the year and whilst his attitude to maths and his overall confidence with it has seemed to improve there it hasnt seemed to helped that much.
I have asked to meet with the inclusion leader to discuss a plan for year 5.Am feeling anxious aboiut the meeting, as there appears to be no extra intervention for year 5. What should i say?, and what is reasoable to expect from the school in terms of support for him.?

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cat64 · 12/07/2011 23:47

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