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Primary 5 boys & girls have to change for gym together??

227 replies

Yogagirl17 · 02/06/2011 16:28

DD (10) just been telling me that her teacher makes them all get changed for gym together in the classroom and also that her male teacher stays in the room while they change. Now I just want to say straight out I like and trust this teach and absolutely do not suspect him of anything untoward, other than possibly being a little naive.

Anyway, DD says she is beginning to feel uncomfortable with this and doesn't understand why the boys (and the teacher) can't go to another room while they change. I can't say I blame her and frankly I'm a little surprised this is even happening - surely 10 is old enough that they should be given privacy? I definitely want to say something to the school but trying to gauge how strongly to react. I mean, should I just ask the head teacher if they can change teh current arrangement or do I make a bigger deal of it?

OP posts:
KristinaM · 05/06/2011 19:43

in our kids school they change seperately in P6 and P7. the girls change in the classroom and the boys in the cloakroom. its a small school and there are no other facilities.

i don't see how the sex of the teacher is relevant, assuming they are teaching both boys and girls. why is a male teacher supervising girls any different from a female supervising boys?

as its bothers your child, i think its fine to ask if she could be allowed to change in the toilets for the next few weeks. and you can check on the arrangement for P6, so she doesnt worry about it all summer

gazzalw · 06/06/2011 10:28

Think I'm sadly naive about 10 year olds these days!
I wonder if this is really to do with the opposite sex though....sure most parents will remember secondary school anxieties about having showers and stripping off (and that's only in front of own gender). Surely it's a rites of passage self-consciousness thing which maybe requires a different approach completely????

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