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what do you want?

7 replies

loosinas · 29/11/2010 18:18

teachers!! TAs!! what can i buy you for xmas?? ok not you guys personally but ds's teacher and TAs what would you wanna get ?

OP posts:
Lara2 · 02/12/2010 18:22

A home made Christmas card. The tackier, more glittery the better!! :) My DS's would completely disagree, however, and say chocolate every time!!

camicaze · 02/12/2010 16:07

Not yet more candles (unless they are those super expensive ones). Seriously, something lovely written in a card does mean more.

Lydwatt · 02/12/2010 15:15

Actually, having just put up our tree, I think the nicest things I have got are christmas tree decorations...they always come out each year and I remember who gave them to me. They make the tree more special for it

SE13Mummy · 29/11/2010 21:00

Something useful for the classroom that I can use again and be reminded of the child who gave it to me; a picture book with the child's name in the title, a chapter book related to a topic the child has enjoyed, some green pens(!), cushions for the book corner, a fun pen pot for my desk....

Lydwatt · 29/11/2010 19:29

I once got some seriously iffy and very sticky home made wine from a girl...I was very touched that she should think of me but accidently 'lost' it at school!

Chocs, wine, shower gel lovely. I was very touched by a manicure set from Next one year as being a bit different and thoughtful..

magicmummy1 · 29/11/2010 19:26

Marking my place! Grin

LindyHemming · 29/11/2010 19:23

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