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3 replies

DaughterRunningRingsRoundMe · 10/04/2024 11:36

Hi, Not an active social media user. Can you please help me with tips regarding letting my 12 year old daughter use instagram?

OP posts:
weareblaire · 12/04/2024 18:56

Hi there

Officially you need to be 13 to use instagram, but a lot of kids are on there earlier.

Your 12 year old is a digital native, born with a phone in her hand, she has grown up not knowing life without the internet, she will be able to do her homework on Chat GPT.

The best advice would be to sign up yourself and be curious about Instagram. Are you comfortable with it? Understand her space and then make an informed decision. There is no right answer as we all navigate parenting something quite foreign from our experience at this age.

Good luck!

Peclet · 12/04/2024 18:57


CadyEastman · 13/04/2024 19:52

I'd watch this documentary before letting her have it. I found it really eye opening.

I'm not really fussed on when other people let their DC hon onto SM but I've tried to keep to the age advisory for my DC.

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