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First Period

19 replies

Amee · 07/10/2013 09:39

DD aged 12 started her first period last Monday. A week later, she is still bleeding. Is it normal for a first period to last this long?

OP posts:
Fattycow · 21/04/2015 11:22

I had my first period when I'd just turned 12. I hated pads and switched to tampons quite early, I think during the 3rd time. It will be fine if she starts with small ones.

Mimbot76 · 18/04/2015 19:08

Hi, it's such a scary time for them, my daughter was just turned 11 when she started hers very heavily too. It took her a couple of months of being upset about it as she is the first in her class but she's just getting on with things now the same as we all did even though she is much younger than I was. Just support her and tell her you're there is she needs any advice, she'll surprise you, they always do x

kent43 · 18/04/2015 00:02

My niece who hasn't quite turned 11 had xome spotting today. Not sure if it is tge start of her period. She is quite young for her age so not sure how she will cope.

18yearstooold · 30/03/2015 07:27

Mimbot I would be surprised if she was the only girl in her class if she started at 11.5

My dd is the same age and the first girl started at 9 and there have been a few more since

They don't tell each other and it's only in the last couple of weeks when the mums have been discussing it that anyone found out

emkana · 30/03/2015 07:16

I don't think 11.5 is that early?

superrmumm · 28/03/2015 17:30

My dd started hers age 11, so as you can imagine- very daunting. I think her was fairly heavy for around a week, and then very light for about another. Took her a long time to get into a regular pattern though!

Mimbot76 · 15/03/2015 19:49

Hi ladies, I'm new to mumsnet, my daughter started her periods about 4 months ago. She's extremely heavy and it has been lasting up to 2 weeks. She tried to use tampons last week and got through a whole pack with no joy! She's now finished again so we shall try again next month. She was gutted because she's leaked on so many of her favourite things, including her new bed, I felt so sorry for her. She has a residential trip next month and I think she may still be be bleeding when she goes. It's a water sports trip so she's desperate to start using tampons so she'll be able to have as much fun as everyone else. She's not 12 until September so it's very early for her to start, she gets very upset as she's the only girl In her class to get her period. Should I take her to the docs and see if they can prescribe something to help her?

Fleecyleesy · 09/03/2015 15:15

I wouldn't try a tampon on day 12 as flow probably easing off and it's not good to have a tampon absorbing everything as well as blood iyswim.

Next period, I'd try tampons in day 2-3 when it's heavier and use pads for the days either side. Once she has an idea of flow, duration etc then she could increase tampon use if she wants to. But would use pad as well as tampon to start with in case of leakage.

Whereisegg · 09/03/2015 15:09

mish boots/superdrug/asda etc sell a lil-lets teen starter pack.
Has a pretty little waterproof bag, pads and tiny tampons in.

Dd11 hasn't started yet but has one in her school bag with the tampons removed and a pair of knickers in, and one at home.
Do talk through pads with her though as dd thought the sticky side was to keep the pad stuck to her, fairly logical I suppose but not a mistake you want to make Shock

mishmillington67 · 04/03/2015 14:52

What pads are best for a first period?

Amee · 15/10/2013 09:56

Well DD was keen to try tampons and she has got on with them really well. Period has lasted 2 weeks and down to a bit of spotting now. She was quite keen as they have to wear leotards for gym at her school!

OP posts:
Lottie4 · 11/10/2013 14:20

Some tend to think it's best to leave tampons for a while, so you get an idea of flow. Having said that if her first period has been a long one, I quite understand why she would want to try them. Obviously you'll have to tell her to remember to change them regularly and not to forget and leave one in.

Amee · 11/10/2013 13:31

I'm glad I got your advice ladies. DD is still bleeding - now the 12th day and no signs of it getting lighter, but knowing what your DD's went through, I realise this is normal. DD is keen to try tampons - do you think it's too early?

OP posts:
frazzledbutcalm · 08/10/2013 13:30

amee ... how she coped I do not know! I couldn't have tbh! But, I guess she had no preconceptions and nothing to compare it to ... When I started my periods I was text book - bled for 5-7 days every month and that was it. It came as a huge shock when dd's were the way they were! The tablets really did help a huge amount. In the early days she leaked a lot. School uniform is black trousers so you didn't see it. Weekends were usually jeans, so again not that noticeable. She leaked in shorts in the summer and blood was running down her leg, dh was with her, noticed it, and just said dd I think you need to go to the toilet (in such a lovely way for her). She's been far more calm/coping than I have! Blush
I'm trying to persuade her to use tampons as they're much less messy but she doesn't want to yet.
Here's hoping your dd settles down quickly. I think they usually do tbh.

Lottie4 · 08/10/2013 10:59

My first period was very light. Three weeks later I had my second one and went into a two week cycle (similar to frazzledbutcalm's daughter), very heavy on some days and leaking onto my school skirt (not much fun) and they'd last about nine days. Maybe my Mum didn't know there was help around the, so I just had to cope.

If your daughter does continue to have long periods that perhaps become heavy, then I know the doctor can help (a couple of people I know take a tablet which slows the flow down. Also, there are so many options for protection, so let her try a few to see what suits.

Amee · 08/10/2013 10:25

Thanks Mine. We have talked lots over the last week and dd seems to be handling it all well so far. Good to know it's normal to go on for over a week until it settles. Thank you ladies. I really couldn't remember my situation when I had started way back then!

OP posts:
mineofuselessinformation · 07/10/2013 20:16

Yes. Just reassure her that it will all settle into a pattern, but tell her you want her to let you know what's going on. That way you can keep an eye on it and seek help if things don't seem right.
I'm sure it will be fine.
Who'd be a female eh? Smile

Amee · 07/10/2013 20:11

Wow frazzle, sounds like your daughter really had a tough start to womanhood. DD's first period hasn't been so heavy so far. How did your dd cope at school? Didn't realise it could take 2 years to settle into a pattern! Eek!

OP posts:
frazzledbutcalm · 07/10/2013 10:15

Yes. My dd also started her periods a week after her 12th birthday. She's now 14 and they're just settling down now! She would bleed for 10 - 14 days, and on a 2 week cycle, also very heavy. It was awful. GP gave her mefanmic acid to take from the first day of each period (it reduces blood loss), they worked really well. We still use them occasionally. Her periods reduced to 5-8 days using these tablets. She now is usually 5-7 days.

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