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This is an offensive thread... but less offensive than asking people in RL...

43 replies

choosyfloosy · 21/08/2007 22:27

Ok, was going to code this somehow, but never mind, it's a while since I was flamed properly...

DS can add a bit, i.e. he can say 1 and 5 is 6, if this follows on from dh/me saying 1 and 4 is 5 etc.

Is this:
a) completely normal for a 3.6 year old.
b) advanced.
c) My child was doing this at 18 months.
d) Sod off?

OP posts:
IntergalacticWalrus · 29/08/2007 17:08

DS1 composed 4 symphonies and rebuilt the Taj Mahal with Mega Bloks, and that was just before breakfast.

LIZS · 29/08/2007 17:03

a/b - whatever floats his boat . Next month he might not be bothered and be keen on something else instead.

TellusMater · 29/08/2007 16:57

Dd can do it, but she is of course a maths genius .

She only knows one letter though .

Reallytired · 29/08/2007 16:49

What about social skills? Does make a real difference whether a child learns maths and how to read and write at the age of 2 or 6.

Does the child actually understand what they are doing or is it just parroting?

Tinker · 26/08/2007 23:02

Have no idea what my now 10-year old did at that age but I wouldn't be surprised if my 2.3 year old could do this in a year's time. Numberjacks is a wonderful programme.

harpsichordcarrier · 26/08/2007 22:59

my mum says when I started to count I used to say one, two, a lot
and I took my maths O level a year early and got an A

meandmy · 26/08/2007 22:58

my 14.5mo counts one, two,shoe,shoe,shoe pmsl

harpsichordcarrier · 26/08/2007 22:56

b well done you are clearly an excellent parent
(are you all dried out by the way)

Wordsmith · 26/08/2007 22:55

Well it would be quite advanced for my 3.5 yr old and for my 7.6 yr old when he was the same age, but given fiddlemamas post above I would say - so what.

TheodoresMummy · 26/08/2007 22:53

If I ask DS (3.9) what's 5 take away 2 he would not have a clue.

But if I say there are 5 fire engines then two drive away. How many are there left ? He will say 3.

To be able to work with numbers (without turning them into fire engines, etc ) is very clever at this age, IMO.

fiddlemama · 26/08/2007 22:12


DD1 adding and subtracting 1 and 2 up to 100 by 3. Knew all timestables by age 5 (and could answer random questions from them ie "what is 4 x 7? what is 9 x 8? etc....quick as a flash) Just got GCSE results and got B for maths.

DS couldn't even count beyond 10 when started reeption age 4 now top of his maths set (age 14) and predicted A/A* for GCSE.

Can't remember what DD2 (12) was doing at 3 as "buried under load of dirty washing and odd flipflop" but in top half of top set now and doing ok.

So........answer e) Go and have a glass of wine and stress about something more important

Nemo2007 · 26/08/2007 22:04

Ds is 3.10yrs and has been doing basic adding for a few months can add 1,2 and 3s. However he has always been really good with numbers and DD1 is looking to be the same,20m and can count to 12 etc. Dont get it from me I failed maths GCSE 3 times

Isababel · 26/08/2007 22:03

No idea.

My DS (4.5) identified vowels at 2.5 , knew the full alphabet at 3.0 (could also write his name with magnets at that age), he has been adding and substracting since a year ago, he has been reading simple words since 2-3 months ago. Speaks 3 languages and...

-He is one of the most advanced in his nursery

...and the most behind in his nursery class.

Heated · 26/08/2007 21:57

It's very good (5 yr old stuff) but not genius!

EscapeFrom · 26/08/2007 21:54

My 4 year old could do adding 1's before his 4th birthday but prob not at 3.6. I can't remember to be honest! >

wangle99 · 26/08/2007 21:52

I think its 'c'. DS is 3.10 and wouldn't have a clue!!!

Way to go for your DS!

onlyWotz · 26/08/2007 20:35

I wish there was a d) option on most threads

but "I don't know" is my answer

RedFraggle · 26/08/2007 20:17

Seeker - what is the "poo song"? I'm intrigued...

Choosyfloosy I think a bit advanced.

mollymawk · 21/08/2007 23:14

Sounds from what everyone says like it's a bit of (a) and a bit of (b). Within the normal spectrum, but towards the advanced end maybe.
My DS1 is very particular. He is only interested in adding up with food items.
(I'm pleased other people's DCs don't want to wipe their own bottoms even aged 4. Not just mine then)

McEdam · 21/08/2007 23:04

I'd say b. because ds could do the same thing at the same age. So they must both be G&T, right?

Millarkie · 21/08/2007 23:00

My 3 year old can add/subtract 1 for numbers up to 12. So could ds when he was 3.
Ds's clever friend could recognise all numbers up to 100 (at least) at age 3 which I thought was impressive.
It's all swings and roundabouts - ds was writing before he started school (simple words only) so appeared ahead but his letter formation was not standard so now (yr1) he is classified as behind in writing because he doesn't start his letters in the right place.

Pruners · 21/08/2007 22:47

Message withdrawn


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ChasingSquirrels · 21/08/2007 22:45

Mine was probably doing this at around that age (can't remember a year ago ) and in the last few months has compeletly exploded in his number concepts. Most of his friends (all coming up for 5) can do the x + 1 and have been able to do for a while, probably from around 4, not sure before.

BUT my mum taught reception for years and would usually have at least a few kids who only knew 1, 2 & 3 on entry. So there is a wide variation out there.

If he is interested in numbers just play about with them in conversation, the more he picks up in everyday life the better. Do cooking and let him help weigh, talk about prices on things, talk about numbers as they arise etc.

seeker · 21/08/2007 22:44

And anyway - does it matter?

CarGirl · 21/08/2007 22:43

dd1 could add and subtract way before starting school providing we were talking about sharing her dummies...........the rest of mine are clueless at a much later stage!

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