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Fill me in on preschool committees please

7 replies

calpolicella · 07/05/2007 20:05

My 3 year old has just started preschool and I have been asked if I want to join the committee. I'm not sure about this because a) I'm inexperienced in the area of preschool and don't feel informed enough to join a committee or be able to take responsibility for the preschool b) Don't think I'm the committee type, all committees seem to be run by bossy people with axes to grind (sorry) c)I'm having a new baby in about 2 weeks so couldn't get involved until the autumn term.

The preschool is state funded so how come it can't function without a committee of volunteers and parents, don't the paid staff run it just as they would run a school or nursery?

Sorry if these are silly questions, but any information would be welcome along with some good reasons why I should give it a go come September!

OP posts:
Coxy24 · 24/05/2007 15:41

I was voted on my ds's preschool committee as secretary in Nov last year when dd was 2.5 mo. I thought it would do me good as brain was starting to lose function! and would get to meet new people. It has been great from that perspective, but the committee wasn't run properly prior to us being voted on and it has involved alot of work, especially by the chair and treasurer. I have found it hard as I started a new job when dd was 5 mo, working 4 days a week so I feel like I have got 2 jobs as well as housework etc and ds and dd. It may be better for you to go on as a silent member and get involved with fund raising etc if you don't want to take on too much responsibility especially after having new baby.

Orinoco · 09/05/2007 21:50

Message withdrawn

alipiggie · 08/05/2007 03:31

Another one here on the Board of Directors (posh here in Colorado ) of sons' pre-school. I'm really enjoying it - was/is a great way to get the brain back into gear having been a SAHM for so long. I too am on the fundraising committee and it's a thankless task, but I do feel a sense of achievement knowing that with only a committe of 3 we've achieved our goal for the year (almost). It's a great way to meet people as we do socialise as well as help run the school. Go along for one meeting and see what you think without making a commitment.

lljkk · 08/05/2007 00:45

The state funding only pays for basic time spent with children, not for time behind the scenes (admin and training). If your preschool has a committee, it can't function (legally or in practical terms) without the volunteer management fundraising and doing paperwork.

Almost everyone on the commitee started out equally inexperienced.

And it is a lot of hard work, and not usually done well (because everyone is still identifying their A**es from elbows.)

But even little bits of time helping out here and there can lighten the load and will be much appreciated. Go along to some meetings if you want, see what's involved, before committing to join.

Celery · 07/05/2007 20:40

I'm the treasurer and I hate it. I took it over from a friend as a favour, and I wish I never had. We have a book keeper, but I still seem to spend ages each week writing out cheques and envelopes and updating excel spreadsheets. I resent the time I spend doing it. I'm staying for one more year, because I don't want to leave them in the lurch right now, and then I'm resigning.

However, before that I was just a member, who helped with fundraising and attended the monthly meetings - that was fine, because I hardly had to do anything. I'd say go for it if you want to, but don't be chair, secretary or treasurer unless you really think you're up to the job.

Bucketsofdynomite · 07/05/2007 20:34

Great name!
Our pre-school is also a charity hence committee and minimum AGM attendance essential. We have a paid boookkeeper so my job as treasurer is the easiest - if yours has one, grab the job with both hands!
I bank the cash at the post office most weeks and sign the odd cheque.
I'm also on the fundraising committee which is more fun. All our equipment and staff training comes from fundraising. All in all I go to about one evening meeting a month which are generally a little more teetotal than I'd like but cetrainly friendly and as there are 94 kids on the books I've met lots of mums I wouldn't have otherwise which will be nice when our kids go to the infant school and get mixed up. I'm rambling now but my point is you will be pleased for a quiet couple of hours away from the baby by the autumn and you'll also doing a good deed.

brimfull · 07/05/2007 20:12

Hi.Well I am the chair person of my ds' preschool.We are currently looking for a whole new committee,maybe it's ours you're talking about.Although we are not bossy with axes to grind.I took over because nobody else would basically.It hasn't been much hard work but I must say it is a thankless task.
My role basically involves fund raising /ensuring policies are up to date(great! they are),dealing with any staffing problems or other staff problems.

It is a charity ,so legally cannot run without a voluntary committee.I am panicking because nobody has come forward to offer to take over in september(when ds leaves).I am thinking of approaching the pre school alliance to ask for advice about carrying on without a committee.

Please consider it,it is a great way to meet people and SOMEONE has to do it.I am no the type that can sit back happily and expect everyone else to do the work,without a guilty conscience.

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