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Preschool education

3 year old- poor concentration.

7 replies

unlimiteddilutingjuice · 28/10/2015 07:08

First off- Yes I realise how pfb this is. Just roll with it please and humour me.
Ds's nursery school teacher has reported he doesn't stick to the activity they're meant to be doing. He'll just wander away and do his own thing. She puts this down to him being young for his age and having poor concentration. She is going to give him a card showing "now" and "later" activities to help him understand whats going on.
Anything I should be doing at home to reinforce- or would you just leave nursery to deal with it?

OP posts:
unlimiteddilutingjuice · 02/11/2015 16:51

Thanks for the replies-

I'm embarrassed to admit I don't actually know what the routine is in Ds's nursery. I think they have it up on the wall by the coat pegs so I'll check next time I'm in.

They seem quite into current child development ideas- at least based on the jargoney wall displays aimed at the adults and the fact they tried to make us all come along to a Q and A on attachment! So I would be surprised if they are old fashioned.

Also Ds has been singing a "tidy up song" which goes (Ahem*) "Ti-ti-tidy up. Put the toys away. First we choose and then we play and then we put away" which does rather imply free play at some point.

It may be that nursery teacher meant that he wanders off during nurture time, or circle time etc!

I think I might get some board games suitable for 3 year olds to gently encourage him in staying on task, taking turns and following rules.

OP posts:
Winstonsma · 01/11/2015 07:28

My lo went to Montessori where they got to do their own thing. He is now 4.5 and at school - his focus is still all over the place but he's a just a wee boy. School aren't concerned and he's still learning to read and write. I think easily distractable seems to be an in built personality thing!x

BertrandRussell · 01/11/2015 07:27

I'd be inclined to find another nursery.

insancerre · 01/11/2015 07:24
  • free flow
insancerre · 01/11/2015 07:24

I run a preschool an we don't make any child do any activity
Our routine starts with a wake and shake song, then a ten minute nurture group with their key person. Then its freed low where the children can choose to play in or out. They can choose their own activities and are supported in their play by the adults. This lasts till dinnertime. The afternoon is the same
We do this because 3 year olds don't need lots of adult directed activities. They need freedom to play and learn at their own pace.
Sounds like the nursery is a bit old fashioned and isn't got a good grasp of child development and is not offering developmentally appropriate provision

unlimiteddilutingjuice · 28/10/2015 07:26

"they wouldn't have been able to settle to Activity A when they could see Activities B, C and D nearby."

Yes, I think this is probably whats going on! I guess learning to follow instructions and stay on task is what we send kids to nursery for.

There arent any developmental concerns afaik. Hes small for his age and tends to meet his milestones a little later than his peers. But slow side of normal iyswim- not so slow you would worry.

OP posts:
Hassled · 28/10/2015 07:15

I'd just leave nursery to deal with it, tbh. Having poor concentration pretty much goes with the territory of being 3, I'd have thought - as long as there are no developmental concerns please don't fret about it. I remember my kids were sometimes a bit overwhelmed at preschool because there were just so many options available - they wouldn't have been able to settle to Activity A when they could see Activities B, C and D nearby.

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