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Numbers on a page verses actual items when doing sums

7 replies

EvilEyeButterPie · 18/11/2010 11:34

I wonder if anyone can give me a pointer here...

DD1 is 3.8, and we have been playing at sums today. We were doing well (I thought) with her counters, with me asking her to count out a certain amount of counters, then add another amount, and work out the total, then I wrote out some sums on a page for her, so we could play schools.

My problem is that she had obviously memorised some of the sums - so she saw "1 + 1 =" and straight away said "two!" for example. I made her count it out using the counters anyway, thinking that she needs to make sure she knows that numbers relate to real world "stuff", if that makes sense, but now I'm thinking I should have maybe just let her get on with it.

Also, what do I do now - do I give her bigger numbers (we have stayed under 5 so far) or maybe start talking about multiplication and division? That seems a bit intimidating, but maybe it is precisely because she isn't scared of numbers that I should help her to be comfortable now?

She is asking to do sums, btw, I didn't think she would be able to do them yet! But then I am rubbish at maths.

Is there a good guide out there for early maths learning that is fun? She already does the workbooks that you can buy in shops - she prefers them to colouring books for some reason.

OP posts:
EvilEyeButterPie · 19/11/2010 22:27

:D Thanks!

Isn't it weird when they surprise you - we are both literature/humanities types who can't add up to save our lives. Tbh, I'm pretty certain that it isn't any kind of giftedness, more that it has just taken her fancy at the moment - she did a bit of being fascinated by letters and words and I got a bit excited, then she moved on to other things and lost interest in words for now :D

I'm just hoping to give her a sound basis in this kind of thing - I could easily get her to do "tricks" like learning things by heart as she has a good memory, but there is no point if she hasn't got the foundations right.

OP posts:
madamehooch · 19/11/2010 16:30

Look at games such as those produced by Orchard Games. Reinforces basic number principles in a fun way.

WowOoo · 19/11/2010 13:24

I'd do number bond quizzes.
Ds thinks he can do sums. He can't as he forgets/ doesn't yet understand that 3+7 is the same as 7+3.

And then that if i start with ten blocks and hide 3 that there should be 7 left.

Quite fascinating watching his maths brain develop!

FreudianSlimmery · 19/11/2010 13:19

Oh also, I wouldn't think that multiplication and division is scary - just keep it in real life terms, sharing sweets out etc. Or pom bears even :o

FreudianSlimmery · 19/11/2010 13:17

Cuddling? I wrote cheekily. That's one for the Damn You Autocorrect hall of fame Bear

FreudianSlimmery · 19/11/2010 13:16

Just cuddling watching thread :)

There is a book though recommended on MN, it's called Maths Games for Kids by Peggy Kaye iirc. May be worth a look.

Keishara · 18/11/2010 19:10

Don't have any resources for you, just wanted to say what i would do next.

If a child in my class was was counting and adding as well as your daughter, the next step would be 1 more and 1 less. start with the counters but ideally she should be able to do it in her head. 1 to 5 first then 6-10. you'll know she's got it when she can instantly answer you when you ask "what's one less than 7? etc.

(on i side note i know it's actually fewer but we teach it as less and i've given up arguing.)

after that, counting to 20 and doing 1 more/less. when doing 10-20, comment how thirteen sounds like three-ten and seventeen sounds like seven-ten etc. helps her to see the patterns in the numbers.

I'd also recommend getting a number square to look at (numbers 1-100 in a 10X10 square) and looking at patterns e.g. there's always threes at the end in the third column. helps to see numbers aren't just random names but have a pattern they follow.

PHEW! Hope I've helped in some way, and your DD may well be gifted in maths, she is certainly pretty advanced for her age!

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