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How soon did your baby start feeding well

9 replies

JoEW · 15/03/2011 17:44

I'm after some advice. My son is three weeks old now, born at 32 weeks so he's 35 equivalent now. He's in the neonatal unit. He's still taking most of his feeds through the gastro tube. He can do a bottle but tends to only do about 15-20ml of it, his regular feed is now 39ml. He's tried breatfeeding - I give it a go twice a day - but he's only latched on and sucked a couple of times.

Is this similar to the experience of others? He seems to have dreadful wind too, which is impossible to bring up, he has a very bloated stomach, he's been quite vomity and had very loose bowels for a few days (sorry TMI). I've flagged this up several times with the doctors who don't seem to be overly concerned. They just say that they will keep an eye on things but I think his wind/stomach is preventing him from wanting to feed.

Any advice appreciated!

OP posts:
kelsgrrr · 26/03/2011 20:04

Both mine were premature. 1st 6 weeks after pre eclampsia made her very small. 2nd 11 weeks born 29 weeks or 28+6 if being technical. 1st latched well at 2 weeks and came home at 3 however was very small. 2nd after 6 weeks of daisy the cow expressing I took decision not to breast feed. Had had enough and wanted her home. Bottle worked better for my two with weight gain as both extra tiny.
Dont stress too mich premature birth is a world of unknown and you cant tell what will happen one hour to next. Stay calm and dont stress be guided by baby and they will tell you.
Good luck I hope it allw orks well. Mine are 4 and 2 now and I have number 3 on way which I no doubt will be premature too at this rate ( another story)

KD0706 · 26/03/2011 19:46

Hi there. Congratulations from me too.

My DD was born at 31+1. She was tube fed from the start, started taking some feeds from bottles at about four weeks old, by five weeks she took all her feeds from bottles and came home (they were very eager to get rid of us!).

I had quite a frustrating time trying to bf her at first. The best I got her to do was licking my boob. She came home totally on bottles, not BFing at all. I kept trying her on the boob once or twice a day and then when she was roughly the equivalent of 38 weeks gestation she latched on all of a sudden and BFing went well from then.

She's now 11 mo (9 mo adjusted) and we still bf.

Hope all goes well and your DS is feeling better soon.

mrspear · 22/03/2011 16:24


Congrats on the birth of your DS - hope he is better soon.

My DS was born at 30 weeks. He was given milk in the tube from day one but by day five they found a terrible infection so had to have TVN set up; this came down when he was three weeks and one day. He was then back on tube feeding for two weeks then bottles. He was on the breast fully by nine weeks old. BTW He came home at six weeks.

I second what willbean says -my DS is currently munching on bread and beef stew in his high chair at 16 months actual and i lost him at playgroup yesterday as he ran off! If only i was able to see ahead to those moments at the dark times in neonatal it would have made things easier.

Wishing you, your family and son all the best

WillbeanChariot · 22/03/2011 16:09

Hello- that's great news that he's looking better. Poor little man being so hungry!

I can really relate to how you are feeling. You can't help but feel the ups and downs with them and it is so upsetting and frustrating when they take a step back. I remember really feeling crushed every time DS took a backwards step. But they have so much fight in them, I really hope your son is back on his milk and making progress again soon. It's so hard when you are in the unit but in a few short months you will be so far on. Wishing you and your son all the best.

JoEW · 22/03/2011 10:03

Thanks Willbean, it is scary but I am trying to be as positive as possible and hope that if he does have it it clears with the antibiotics. He's looking better and his stomach is not nearly as bloated as it was. He's hungry as hell, which is very sad to see but apparently a good sign as it means his stomach isn't hurting. Sad to see him back in an incubator and with lots of drips and monitors but hopefully it's just a little hurdle on the road to getting him home. God, they are such a worry, I was planning to be a super chilled mother too and instead I spend all my time on the brink of tears!! Thanks for your comments, really helps.

OP posts:
WillbeanChariot · 21/03/2011 21:09

Hi again- sorry you are having such a worrying time. DS had suspected NEC when he was very tiny and it was scary. They never did confirm it but he had the full course of medication anyway. The antibiotics did the trick for him and I hope they work for your son too.

JoEW · 21/03/2011 18:38

Sorry for slow reply to the comments and thank for the advice. Actually it turns out that he has suspected NEC so that's most likely why he was struggling. Hoping the results don't come back positive but it looks as though they might. They have started him on antibiotics so fingers crossed for now that all goes ok.

OP posts:
WillbeanChariot · 16/03/2011 21:08

Hello- I feel your pain. It took DS an age to work up to taking his full feeds. I think he did it around term age and then I took another few weeks to get him fully breastfeeding.

I remember it being really tough and frustrating. I tried to be there as much as I could to do his feeds as I felt I allowed him more time to take it than the nurses. I would feed him in short bursts and wind him in between.

He also had terrible wind- is your son on CPAP? Mine was and they said it blew a lot of air into his belly. One of the nurses taught us to massage his tummy to help him get it out, we used a bit of oil and massaged his lower tummy clockwise.

I really hope he gets the hang of it and you can bring him home soon. Best of luck.

Cags888 · 16/03/2011 00:17

My son was born at 33 weeks and in neo natal for about 5 weeks. We had what sounds like a similar experience... the hospital were great, but they did seem to really go for putting more food into him, than would have normally been the case for a newborn, so I would not be too worried... his stomach will mature at his pace. Our son was still a poor eater when we got him home and we had to top up with the bottle as he started to lose weight again. It all seemed to turn a corner just after he would have been full term... altho he still had a lot of wind.

I know it's hard with a little 'un in neo natal, but it really is a matter of being patient as prems still have some growing to do. But, things change very quickly...

Get plenty of rest yourself and rest assured that your little boy is in the best place (other than inside you!). He just has some growing/catching up to do!

Hope this helps.

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