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This topic is for sharing experiences of pregnancy choices; to debate the ethics of termination, visit our Politics or Chat forums.

Pregnancy choices

Considering Termination

27 replies

Muminlimbo · 26/09/2018 00:54

I feel like I need to talk and just get some of this out of my head. It's all I think of and I just don't want to think about it anymore.
I want to talk to my partner about it but can't when he is at work and he is sick so haven't said anything for a couple days.

Unplanned third pregnancy, our children would be 5 and 2. Although I crave for our third to be on our terms and for us to be ready, and happy to see those two lines.

My heart says I want a third, but finances, logistics etc say not now. His initial feeling was to terminate, and I guess that's still where he is at. (I know we need to talk but I don't want to rush or pressure him. ) I typically have harder than average pregnancies, pelvic problems that would leave me in pain to carry my toddler and unable to walk much. If we terminate we will talk about the possibility of another one in the future, maybe when our second starts part-time school. Then my eldest will hopefully be much more helpful and no longer have accidents. That would be perfect to have a 3.5y age gap between 2 and 3. Time to get stuff sorted that we need to with our house and finances.

I just wish I would miscarry so losing this baby won't be my fault. So I won't have to decide or think about this anymore.
If you've experienced similar or have any advice I'd love to hear from you.

OP posts:
UbercornsGoggles · 23/11/2018 14:23

I'm sincerely very sorry if I caused any hurt or offence with my post. I posted in a hurry because I was a bit shocked by some previous posts and wanted to write in support of choice to terminate. But you're right to say I should have read the whole thread - lesson learned.

differentnameforthis · 23/11/2018 23:35

@UbercornsGoggles All good. Some of the other posts were horrible, you're right about that!

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