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Pregnancy choices

Have a 10 month old and just found out I'm pregnant and I feel like a fucking idiot

35 replies

penguinpie · 08/09/2016 10:30

I'm so upset. Dd is still breastfeeding round the clock so I didn't think I'd be able to get pregnant, have had no periods. Please don't tell me I'm stupid cos I already know.

I don't know what to do, I'm not ready, I feel like I've let everyone down. I don't know how far along I am but will get a frer later, tried to get appt with dr but there aren't any today, not sure whether I should push for one.

I am such a dick I'm so angry with myself.

OP posts:
TriJo · 19/09/2016 23:02

Fairly common years ago - my great aunt had "Irish triplets" - baby in February, twins at Christmas! My mum was also the eldest of 5 born in 6 years.

Not gonna lie though, I have a 6 month old and I'd be seriously considering my options if I peed hot in the morning.

hownottofuckup · 12/09/2016 21:31

I did the same there's 18 months between my eldest 2, it's the best age gap! Can be tough in the short term but oh so lovely in the long run.

BombadierFritz · 12/09/2016 21:27

great minds ...

MrsDc7 · 12/09/2016 21:26

Oh sorry bombadier... I literally rewrote what you said (didn't read PP) xx

MrsDc7 · 12/09/2016 21:25

To be honest if you left it longer to have another baby you would be in the unsettled bad sleeping phase for a lot longer. This way you are going to have a busy few years and then after that you'll start to get your life back a bit. Plus (speaking from experience) having two close in age actually makes life easier when they get a bit older as they entertain each other and can be each other's friends - a godsend xx

BombadierFritz · 12/09/2016 21:22

this is a fantastic age gap, honestly! you do all the hard work first two years then barely have to do anything after that as they play together and keep each other company.

NorfolkEnchance · 12/09/2016 21:19

16 months between my two. It has been tricky at times. The youngest is now 10 months and they're really starting to interact with each other, it's lovely to see.

Wallywobbles · 12/09/2016 21:13

DP is the youngest of 5. 5 years between him and the eldest. All lovely, really close. I wouldn't recommend it but 2 will be fine.

Fannyupcrutch · 09/09/2016 08:44

Congratulations! My eldest daughter was 15 months old when my son was born. It was difficult to juggle, downright exhausting at times as I also found myself a single mum with a new born and a toddler. But once my daughter was toilet trained I went back to college part time the day she turned 2. And felt like I had a touch more of "me" back, a smidgeon of Independence and adult time while they were in the creche. Best thing I ever did having them so close together. Now they are 16 and 17 and really close, just as they have been all through their lives.

alltouchedout · 09/09/2016 08:38

There are less than 9 months between one set of my cousins! My auntie (accidentally) got pregnant very, very soon after the birth of her first ds and her ds2 was very premature.
TBH had I become pregnant that fast after any of the dcs I doubt I'd have continued the pregnancy, but that's just my personal choice. If you want to go ahead, there are plenty of people who've done just that and come out the other side smiling :)

bomfunk · 09/09/2016 08:32

14 month age gap her - it's BRILLIANT!

RunnyRattata · 09/09/2016 08:20

Our 20 month gap was great. I wouldn't change it at all. No jealousy around the new baby and DS1 was excellent with DS2 as soon as DS2 was old enough to take an interest. He was like a little mother hen getting DS2 to play with DS2's toys. I think it benefitted both DCs equally.

ButtfaceMiscreant · 09/09/2016 08:14

I had three under two as well, as ibfell pregnant with twins when DC1 was 13months. First reaction was tears on getting the positive, then just excitement (with hysterical laughter when it was twins!).

It is hard work, I won't lie, but my twins are about to turn 1 now and I am beginning to feel less overwhelmed. I wouldn't have it any other way now though, but I am definitely certain I am done having babies!

Meandyouandyouandme · 09/09/2016 08:11

There's 16 months between me and my brother, it was fine. We got well when we were little, and I don't think either of us were planned!

BertieBotts · 09/09/2016 08:09

Oh love, you will be fine! :) 18 months is a lovely lovely gap. Old enough that they are starting to walk and communicate and be a little bit more "human", plus curious about absolutely everything and completely adorable, but young enough they are not having tantrums about everything and getting really jealous. It's a small window.

Rozdeek · 09/09/2016 07:46

This happened to me and I had a termination, I know I could not cope with an age gap of 3 years or less let alone an 11 month one which is what it would have been.

I don't regret it at all, it was the right decision for our family.

Best of luck, you will do just fine Flowers

DollyBarton · 09/09/2016 07:45

I've 19 months between first two, and 15 months between second two. It will be ok (and actually better than ok when you get your head around it) so try not to panic!

Kr1stina · 09/09/2016 07:43

Don't feel bad, it's not like you got PG on your own is it ? Because if you did you need to get straight into the TTC threads and tell them your secret Wink

I have a 19month gap between my youngest and got PG just like you ( BF, no AF) . It is hard when at the beginning but they are great friends - now 10.5 and 12

One great thing is that your oldest won't be jealous of the new Baby because they are too small , it's just this "thing" that lies on your lap and feeds . I swear DS1 didn't even notice his brother until the baby started crawling .

Andyou don't have any hassle with BF that you can get early on , cracks and lumps etc ( assuming that you will be tandem feeding )

tkband3 · 09/09/2016 07:41

I had three under 2! Fell pregnant with twins when DD1 was about 11 months... I have to tell you the first year is a complete sleep-deprivation induced blur, but as each six months passed, life got a bit easier. They are now 13 and 11, all at secondary school (just) and I wouldn't have it any other way Smile. (Well except for the fact that our house is going to be a hotbed of hormones for the next few years Grin - poor DH!)

Glad you've woken up feeling more positive. Best of luck with everything Smile.

DoinItFine · 09/09/2016 07:40

When my eldest was 10 months my bf got pregnant and I felt horrifued at the thought.

By the time my eldest was 13 months, I was pregnant myself. With a planned baby.

It's a bit earlier than you had planned, but it's really not the end of the world.

Glad you are getting your head around it.

And believe me, a lot of second pregnancies are accidents. Your body hasn't returned to any pattern of periods, so it's not like you are dealing with the familiar.

penguinpie · 09/09/2016 07:34

Thank you SO much to all of you for taking the time to reply, you don't know how much help it's been. I've woken up feeling much more positive about the whole situation and DH has been great.

I suppose I better get some folic acid! Blush

OP posts:
Sweetpotatoaddict · 08/09/2016 22:07

Don't be angry with yourself, you definitely haven't let anyone down. I've got 19months between mine ( planned but happened sooner than expected) currently have 2 under 2. I love it, my youngest is a great wee thing and my oldest adores her.
Brought tears to my eyes tonight, as he cuddled her and pointed out her ears, eyes, nose etc.
It is relentless but much much easier than I imagined. I was also worried I would love her as much, but I love her just as much. Life with my son felt quite surreal for ages, but she's very very much part of the family partly because my toddler is so accepting of her.
Don't panic.


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DramaAlpaca · 08/09/2016 21:56

I've been there too. Got pregnant with DC2 when DC1 was only 7 months and I was still breastfeeding. There's a 16 month gap & while I won't deny it was hard, especially the first year, it was worth it & they have grown up very close.

avocadosweet · 08/09/2016 21:53

I was worried i wouldn't love DD2 as much as I love DD1 - I just couldn't see how I possibly could. But I really really do:)

Canyouforgiveher · 08/09/2016 21:52

Got pregnant with dd2 when dd1 was 6 months old (I told dh to pour me a drink when the test was positive - I drank it too) so 14 months between them. I never had to play with them. They are teens now and still best friends.

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