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unhelpful nurse or am I just precious

18 replies

asteri · 17/06/2010 08:39

well, a little while ago (about a week ago I think) I got a small amount of bleeding when I went to the toilet, it was just pinkish spotting. I called my GPs surgery who got the nurse at the practice to call me back. she called me back a few hours later and said it was perfectly normal and not to worry, besides if anything were to happen, it would just happen and theres nothing they could do. I have also suffered extreme sickness, I cant eat/drink anything and keep it down, again she said this is normal. Today I got slightly heavier brighter spotting and so called the GP's again, spoke to the nurse who again said the same thing, I asked if I could get referred to the EPU just to check everything was ok, and she said there would be no point as I am only approx 5-6 weeks they wouldnt be able to do/see anything.

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tiredfeet · 18/06/2010 15:22

asteri ice lollies got me through really bad morning sickness too . I ended up getting a supermarket delivery just of lollies and filling up the freezer . I swear they are what kept me out of hospital as I stayed just about hydrated and got a tiny bit of energy from them.

If you do start being sick again lots then don't be afraid to ring the gp about sickness though, my surgery were wonderful, they were happy to chat to me on the phone whenever I was worried about things. It might ease for you now though, mine started reducing from about 10 weeks onwwards - hope thats the case for you now!

asteri · 18/06/2010 14:45

rocket lollies are my fave so far.....

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cardamomginger · 18/06/2010 14:38

Hope it continues to ease for you - ice lollies rule!!

WillYouDoTheDamnedFanjo · 18/06/2010 14:32

That's great news Asteri. If you have any future questions about spotting, my advice is to speak directly to the EPU if you can.

Hope the morning sickness clears up!

asteri · 18/06/2010 14:29

thanks cardomomginger, its not so bad today, Im feelig sick rather than being sick which is a small bonus, though just had a fruit pastille ice lolly which made me feel better.

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cardamomginger · 18/06/2010 14:16

Lovely news! GP referral to antenatal care may take a while to process - see if you can self refer to the hospital you want to go to. This information, and the form you need to fill in, should be on the maternity unity page of the hospital's website. It's the maternity unit at the hospital that arranges your MW appointments, not the GP. How's the sickness?

asteri · 18/06/2010 13:58

thanks, I feel so much happier now

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Jacksmybaby · 18/06/2010 13:57

Really pleased for you.

asteri · 18/06/2010 13:54

well, I went to the EPU this morning, had a scan and it turns out Im actually 9 weeks pregnant and not 4-6. saw the little babys heartbeat so am really reassured now, was advised that the bleeding was probably due to the placenta forming, The nurse at EPU advised me to let my do ctor know I am 9 weeks to get a midwife sorted ASAP, just phoned the surgery and cant speak to anyone until Wednesday!!!! grrr! will just pop a note in after work today I think.

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Jacksmybaby · 17/06/2010 14:55

That's good.
Please keep an eye on the sickness too as per above advice!
Hope all goes well for you.

cardamomginger · 17/06/2010 14:13

GREAT! Well done!! And GOOD LUCK! XX

asteri · 17/06/2010 14:04

Just wanted to say thanks to you all for your responses, I have managed to get an appointment at the EPU tomorrow morning. phew, at last!

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Elsa123 · 17/06/2010 10:45

She's right on the fact there's nothing that can be done- but having had a MMC I'd have far rather known than gone all the way to 12 weeks before losing a fetus that died at 5 weeks. I'm not saying you have had a MMC- the vast majority of bleeds are nothing to be concerned over. I agree with Cardamon, its probably implantation. good luck x x x x

Yes, sickness is normal, but if you can't keep stuff down at all, including fluids thats not helpful! She's not an expert- ask to be seen by one.

cardamomginger · 17/06/2010 09:14

So sorry that you are going through this and that you have all this worry to contend with. I think her attitude is very unhelpful, unsympathetic and doesn't tally with my own experience. I had very early bleeding and was referred to my EPU for a scan at 5wks+5 and then for a follow up at 8wks+5. It's correct that at the first scan no heartbeat was detectable, but they can still scan to see that what is there has everything that it should have at that stage and that it is in the right place. I agree that you should call your EPU and see if you can get them to see you - other advice on another thread here suggested just turning up at the unit. I agree with all the advice about not doing anything strenuous and taking it easy.
I also agree that if you can't keep even water down you are at risk of dehydration and need to see your GP. If you feel unwell in any other way - temperature, dizziness, anything really - you should also see your GP. Yes, the sickness might be "normal" pregnancy stuff. But if it's very severe or you have other symptoms you should get it checked out to rule out anything else.
Chances are it is fine and is just a bit of implantation bleeding. Really wish you luck!

ANTagony · 17/06/2010 08:55

It is horrible playing the waiting game. Unfortunately her advice ties in with all the advice I've received with bleeds in early pregnancy. Some also suggest putting your feet up and trying to distract yourself with a film or a book - if you can and you don't have to get to work, which can be equally distracting. Other advice has been try not to do anything to strenuous and avoid aggressive intercourse.

The problem is all the EPU can do is offer you a scan after 6 weeks. Before this time they can't see the heart beat so can't actually tell you if all is okay. I've had two pregnancies that resulted in healthy boys, two miscarriages and a chemical pregnancy. I've had spotting in all and its just a horrid waiting game. I'm approaching 8 weeks (tomorrow with this latest pregnancy) when I found out I contacted the EPU and they said they wouldn't scan before 7 weeks with a doctors referral. The doctor suggests theres nothing to be gained by an early scan and I should wait out the 12 week scan.

Its just a waiting game - congratulations. Heres hoping its just your body settling in to all the mammoth changes going on inside it.

mazzystartled · 17/06/2010 08:53

She may be right - technically, but it seems her manner is lacking. I would ring EPU and get advice direct from them.

Jacksmybaby · 17/06/2010 08:53

Hi, sorry you're having a rough time.

  1. Re the bleeding, she's probably right (although unnecessarily unsympathetic). If you were having cramps too (esp in your sides) they would probably send you for a scan to rule out an ectopic pg. With just bleeding, chances are that everything's fine, but if it's the worst case scenario (MC) there is nothing anyone can do about it. Try not to worry, and maybe call them again if the bleeding worsens or more importantly you get cramps as well.

  2. Re the sickness, if you are really not keeping anything at all down INCLUDING WATER then you need to get to the GP for a urine test to check your hydration levels. Insist on an emergency appointment (refuse to tell the receptionist what for if you want) and don't be fobbed off by "someone will call you back". In the meantime try taking tiny sips frequently to maximise your chances of keeping something down.
southeastastra · 17/06/2010 08:51

seems very odd to me - can't you just call epu and see if they will see you?

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