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Exercise! (5weeks)

9 replies

AmIGoingMad · 03/06/2010 14:38

I'm getting all sorts of different advice from different people so thought I'd ask you lovely ladies for your advice!
I've been going to gym (cross-trainer/bike/rower/climber) for the last few months to get fit for conception. Last week I got my BFP that makes me about 5 weeks pregnant for the very first time!
While I didn't know I was pregnant I was still going to the gym but as soon as I found out I've been a bit nervous and not wanting to do anything to jeopardise things going smoothly so I've not been going as I'm not sure of what I can safely carry on doing.
My mum says not to do anything in the first trimester, my doc says you shouldn't put on more than a stone, midwife says it should be ok, my friend's been told that everything's fine other than rowing... I'm confused!!! I know I'm pregnant not ill but just a bit scared!

OP posts:
EmmaBemma · 04/06/2010 17:28

I read an interview recently with Paula Radcliffe, who is still running 14 miles a day at 5 1/2 months preg! Humbling.

AmIGoingMad · 04/06/2010 17:23

Thanks so much ladies- in the short time I've been on here I knew I could rely on you!

I'm going to try to make appt to see the gym instructor who specialises in prenatal excercise and take it from there!
Thanks again!

OP posts:
CardiCorgi · 04/06/2010 17:15

In what way do rowing machines put more strain on your hips and knees than running? Sorry but as an experienced rower who has spent far more hours on a concept 2 than I would care to think of that is complete rubbish. As for the abdominal muscles, well you can feel when it gets uncomfortable and (unlike in a boat) get off.

nunnie · 04/06/2010 15:55

The only thing I changed in my routine was contact boxing to pad and glove work. Everything else was the same.

japhrimel · 04/06/2010 15:41

Carry on with what you were doing, but if you notice you start to get hot or dizzy (as your heart is now already working harder) then ease off a bit. Also, be careful of yourself as your ligaments will soften, making injuries more likely. Rowing machines put a lot of strain on knees and hips, plus they use the abdominal muscles a lot, so avoiding them would probably be safest.

And make sure you stay well hydrated.

CardiCorgi · 04/06/2010 08:32


I was told by my doctor (she's an obs/gyn not a gp) to carry on doing what I was doing before and that I should not stop abruptly if I wanted to stop, but taper down over a few weeks. I'm a keen cross-country skier and did my last race at 7 weeks after changing my registration from the marathon to half-marathon distance and assuring the doc that I would treat it as a "fun run".

She told me that rowing was fine both on the machine and in a boat although the other ladies from my rowing team told me that they stopped at 4/5 months because it gets less comfortable.

Main things I was told were not to get stupidly hot, do drink plenty and no more racing or tough interval training.

MumNWLondon · 03/06/2010 20:49

You can continue doing whatever you were doing as long as no bleeding, you don't overdo it or its not comfortable.

FWIW I continued my normal gym programme right up to 28 weeks and then started to cut it down a bit, but still was swimming right up the end.

Hevster · 03/06/2010 20:45

they say you can carry on doing what you have been doing but modify a little so you don't get so hot etc, obviously if you feel funny then you stop but most people who are already excercising are fine. There should be a personal trainer at the gym who can offer advice and perhaps design a new programme for you.
In my first pregnancy I carried on riding my horse and running 20 miles a week until it got uncomfy. This time I have been so sick with hyperemesis I haven't been able to do anything. On the weight front everyone is different, if you eat sensibly then you won't have any problem shifting any excess afterwards, some peoples bodies gain loads of fluid so they put on loads and others don't.

goodlifemummy · 03/06/2010 20:39

Not sure what the official guidelines are, but personally I was doing a body pump class a couple of times a week, swimming and running. During my first trimester (I am still only 10+5) I was sooo tired, I just stopped going, I also felt really nervous, much more so than my last pregnancy, and that was twins. I have been back to one body pump class, but have been doing it with less weights, and leaving out the ab exercises. I drink lots of water during the class, and try not to get over-heated. I am also back swimming at least twice a week (except the last 10 days due to twin chicken pox and half-term!!) So anyway, rambling aside I think it is fine to carry on with what you have been doing, but don't take up anything new...oh, also had to give up my pole-dancing class which was the highlight of my week, as it is a lot of stretching and hanging upside down still, will get back to it after bubba! HTH and congratulations

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