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Is there a website showing development pictures?

5 replies

dyzzidi · 29/07/2005 15:10

I'm 17 wks and my niece is asking alsorts of questions about how big is the baby now and what does it look like. Does anyone know of a website that shows week by week pictures of how baby is developing?

OP posts:
dyzzidi · 01/08/2005 12:26

Thanks SSHHH I will show her later!

OP posts:
shhhh · 29/07/2005 21:30

ha !! My first attempt at adding a link & it works !!! Us sahm's, we are great!!!

shhhh · 29/07/2005 21:29

While pregnant (dd is now 10 weeks) dh & I regularly viewed:have a look atthis
Also if you registar (? sp) (if you are able to get past pop ups)on pampers site they will send you weekly emails letting you know whats happening with you & baby. These are sent weekly. HTH...

dyzzidi · 29/07/2005 16:25

for some reason my pop up blocker at work is not letting me access the week by week pictures.

OP posts:
bubbles2904 · 29/07/2005 15:59

hi congratulations. try i use it also to show my dd who is 6

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