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Immobilizing lower back pain?

3 replies

VermontMama · 26/03/2010 01:59

I've had this horrible lower back pain in both pregnancies, although this one feels worse likely from caring for my toddler.

Does anyone experience this? I have not found a solution. I'm almost 28 weeks and any extra lifting (shopping, laundry, cleaning) will put me out for almost a week. I still have to move around, and that just keeps the wound fresh.

An article I found states that it is likely due to the sacrum moving out of joint.

I would to hear any thoughts... exercises, therapy, or just "me too." Although I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone.


OP posts:
nubbins · 26/03/2010 08:08

me too!

I attended an active birth class with my dh last time I was pg and we were shown lots of positions and massages that really help. One involved having your partner pushing the bony bit in your bum with their palm, I find this one the best. My half day course only cost £15, it probably varies between areas though.

other than that hot water bottles, baths lots of pillows at bedtime help. I have a toddler too and she just doesn't understand why i can't carry her anymore, she gets very upset about it.

EldonAve · 26/03/2010 06:55

get a physio referral
you may benefit from a support belt

AussieSim · 26/03/2010 06:10

Could I recommend that you find a really good acupunturist. Better than massage, chiropracter etc etc There should be no need for you to be in so much pain. I have suffered from back pain since I was a teenager (although the pregnancy hormones actually did wonders for my back) but I can't stay pregnant just to avoid back pain Good Luck!

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