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Constipation-coping with

6 replies

VelvetQuilt · 10/03/2010 20:13

Hi ladies,

I've just returned from my weekly installment of bowel movement which was pretty awful as usual. To think at the start of my pregnancy I was actually going better than I used to...and now...11 weeks in, it's all come to a stand still.

Basically, when I manage to go, it's very dry (gets stuck-sorry tmi!) despite the fact I drink a lot of fluids to help cope with my nausea and then when I wipe there is blood on the tissue, which is bright red, however, none in the "stool" itself. Is this tearing or something worse and is there any way I can help ease the constipation? I already eat a lot of fruit, veg and whole grain bread etc so is there anything safe I can get from the pharmacy?

I am soooo sore right now!!!! Please help!!!

OP posts:
cjn27b · 10/03/2010 22:35

I tried prune juice, linseeds and all sorts to no avail - however, psyllium husks (go to health food store) work wonders. Taste gross, but if you drink it quite concentrated then gulp down lots of water you should be sorted.

The blood might be the result of a small anal fissure. Ask the midwife or doc next time you see them.

porcamiseria · 10/03/2010 22:18

I was same first time, tbh what worked best was lactulose, but do try the prune, bran flakes too, but if its chronic get the GP to get you this, very gentle

Ozziegirly · 10/03/2010 22:04

Linseeds are good too - I try to have a breakfast of bran flakes, linseeds, couple of prunes and some berries, and although I can't say things are as happy and regular as before I was pregnant, this does seem to vaguely keep things moving.

It's bloody uncomfortable isn't it!?

nightingale1980 · 10/03/2010 20:51

Hi velvet. Second the prune juice recommendation! I'm 9 weeks now and suffered really badly with constipation in the first couple of weeks, until I discovered the prune juice - absolute god send! It contains sorbitol which helps with water absorption in the gut (should help with the dryness!). It can be difficult to get the "dose" right at first, too much and I got unpleasant stomach cramps. I drink a small glass every evening and it works well. Hope you feel better soon x

ande · 10/03/2010 20:44

Prune juice, Sunsweet (100% prune juice) works for me.

debka · 10/03/2010 20:18

Poor you! I had the same thing- dried apricots worked for me (any dried fruit actually will do but prunes and apricots are the best). If that doesn't work, my mum (who takes morphine which bungs you up) takes MOVICOL every day and that works. Don't know if it's prescription only though... Don't imagine it is.

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