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2nd pregnancy and feels like everything is going to fall out down below at 30 wks! Help

2 replies

sallywak · 10/01/2010 22:25

Am worried that this feeling of pressure I have in my private parts is something thta could be a prolapse or heading towrads one! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa. Not sure what is going on but just recently (am 30wks ish pregnant) I have started to get a feeling of real pressure down there with swelling though no pain.
Anyone else had this? Will it go? How can I make it better without just sitting on my arse all day - that is when it feels ok.
Love a mums net virgin x

OP posts:
sallywak · 11/01/2010 13:10

Thanks mumbot. Doesn't help when others I ask just don't get what I am on about. Cheers for your response.

OP posts:
mumbot · 11/01/2010 00:54

I've had the same feeling this pregnancy (2nd) and asked my MW about it at my last appointment. She just looked on in pity and said that it's normal for 2nd pregnancies due to weaker pelvic floor etc.

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