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Bleeding at 5+2, any advice plz

4 replies

2babesmum · 30/11/2009 18:33

Hi all, I'm 5 weeks 2 days pregnant and last night after my partner and I made love I bled. It was a patch about 5cm round and a small amount overnight.

There's been nothing today and just the odd twinge, no pain.

Has this happened to anyone else? I know no one can say but considering things are ok today do you think it's likey I'll miscarry?

Advice, your stories would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

OP posts:
2babesmum · 30/11/2009 22:36

Thanx for the responses guys. I phoned the doc today and she said to phone again if I get pain or anymore bleeding. So I guess it's just a waiting game.........

Thanks for your advice

OP posts:
Den26 · 30/11/2009 21:15

I think bleeding after sex during pregnancy is quite common. If you have any more bleeding or have any pain contact your GP or midwife - hope all is okay.

Julezboo · 30/11/2009 19:25

I had bleeding in my preg with DS2 right up until 24 weeks, Was pretty scary.

Can you ring GP or midwife they may get you in for a scan to put your mind at ease

thisisyesterday · 30/11/2009 18:35

it'as fairly common to bleed in early pregnancy.
it could be something like a small cervical erosion which has been irritated by having sex.
or soemthing else entirely!

if you get any more bleeding then i would advise ringing a midwife, or your local hospital to see if they can scan you and make sure everything is ok

but i've had bleeding in each of my 3 pregnancies and all have turned out fine

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