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6 weeks PG - been having cramps and brown discharge

6 replies

mankymummymoo · 15/11/2009 21:01

can this possibly be OK?

there was a little tiny clot this morning and was pink discharge when I woke up but nothing else apart from the sort of discharge you have at the start or end of a period.

I've been having cramps all day, sometimes mild, a few stabbing ones but nothing unbearable.

I'm a bit stressed - could it just be that and growing pains?

Positive stories would be great, realistic ones if necessary...

thank you.

OP posts:
mankymummymoo · 15/11/2009 21:21

Thank you. Have a vague memory of this happening with DS, but he is 4 now and my memory has faded.

Thanks. Am going to bed now to relax !

OP posts:
Bleatblurt · 15/11/2009 21:19

I had this with my DS1 and had an early scan (5+2 I think I was) and they could see the bleed on it. All was well and my 5 year old is snoozing upstairs right now!

Hope all goes well. Do get checked out to put your mind at ease. xxx

herbietea · 15/11/2009 21:18

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mankymummymoo · 15/11/2009 21:15

Thank you, thats so reassuring. Hope all goes well with you both.

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herbietea · 15/11/2009 21:14

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upduffed · 15/11/2009 21:10

you probably should not also 6 weeks, had exactly the same and despite the fact that I know this is normal, I totally freaked out and went to a&e last week. they gave me a scan, and though too early to see much, I saw the "yolk sac" and had medical people roll their eyes at me quite a bit.

as long as the blood is brown and the cramps are not particularly severe I think it is fine. am still bleeding slightly too, but am also nearly constantly nauseous too, so...

if you are really worried you can go to your local EPU though. hope this helps and everything is ok.

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