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Waterproof Maternity Trousers

4 replies

glastochick · 14/10/2009 09:31

Do such things exist?

Or should I just buy some extra large mens trousers?

I'm really concerned with getting wet on the way to the station. I suppose I could start to carry a spare pair of trousers with me in case there's a downpour, but I'd rather just slip a pair of waterproof trousers and a jacket on if it's raining when I leave the house, rather than spend the 30 minute walk getting cold and wet.

OP posts:
BratleyEatsBrainsForBreakfast · 14/10/2009 15:15

While I was looking for trousers I saw this, what a good idea, does the job!

glastochick · 14/10/2009 10:17

Lol Bratley

Wearing them under bump might just have to be the solution. Not sure yet how big bump is going to get, but DH's waterproof jacket is enourmous so I'm sure I can wear that (won't matter if he gets wet! ) to keep the bump dry.

OP posts:
MrsBadger · 14/10/2009 09:50

I wore my non-pg ones as under-bump trousers with a long jacket

NB I always found commuting in the rain much easier in a skirt as tights dry so much faster - much easier to carry (or leave at the office) ballet flats and dry tights than extra trous or overtrous.

BratleyEatsBrainsForBreakfast · 14/10/2009 09:46

It took me a couple of seconds to realise which kind of 'getting wet' you meant!

Pregnant womens bladders are so unpredictable!

Have had a quick search on google but I can't find anything.

Might just have to try some bigger sizes in normal waterproofs.

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