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Pregnant and have a bicornuate uterus - anyone else been through the same and can tell me what to expect?

5 replies

ClaireDeLoon · 30/09/2009 14:30

Hello - I am just over 4 weeks pregnant and was told a few months ago that I have a bicornuate uterus. This was after a scan for mid cycle bleeding, I haven't had any further investigations for this.

I just wondered if anyone has this and they could share with me what it means in real terms - from the early stages onwards. Will my GP know what it involves or a midwife etc?

I have been pregnant before but miscarried at 9 weeks. That was two years ago and we have been trying ever since so we're extrememly happy with the BFP and I'm trying not to google so I can maybe stay that way for now.



OP posts:
ClaireDeLoon · 01/10/2009 08:11

Thanks for your responses. My womb was described as partially divided. I don't think it is two seperate sections/cervixes.

It seems like it isn't as high risk as the google results would have you believe which is a relief

OP posts:
Comma2 · 30/09/2009 23:32


My sister had a full division, but had it surgically removed, just in case. No probs whatsoever, even though uterus shape etc was still bit different.

Feets up!

Comma2 · 30/09/2009 23:30


My sister had a full division, but had it surgically removed, just in case. No probs whatsoever, even though uterus shape etc was still bit different.

Feets up!

brightredballoon · 30/09/2009 22:41


I only found out I have this a couple of months ago, I have two children and it didn't come to light in either pregnancy or delivery.
I also did some googling and found some sites said it could lead to premature labour if the baby ran out of room to grow, but like the previous poster said it does greatly depend on how much of an indent or divide your uterus has.

My first was also a forceps delivery and she had been back to back all the way through, my second was a section but that was due to other reasons.

Try not to worry about this, chances are it wont affect you at all in the pregnancy or delivery.

carrielou2007 · 30/09/2009 16:30


Yep, lots of threads about this if you do a search, depends how you are affected, if you have a division or if you have two separate sections/cervix etc (sorry for lack of terminology knowledge!!).

I had 2 MC before having dd and all the facts I could find say it is more likely but of course it is really hard to know what it was that casued the MC anyway.

No-one was the slightest bit bothered when I was expecting dd, no concerns at any of her scans and midwife not at all bothered about it. Dd was on an oblique lie the whole time, struggled to come out but was (with forceps) a natural birth. I was told the uterus then streches so subsequent pregnancies are fairly smooth running.

This time splodge is transverse and if does not move will have to have a c section.

All the googling I did seemed to sugest I HAD to have a c section and the facts and figures were not great but (touch wood) has not caused any difficulties in my case.

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