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Just checking...

6 replies

maybebaby23 · 04/08/2009 12:26

Hi guys,

On my notes with my blood results which were all ok, it says my ferratin level is 17. They never said anything about it so i didn't think to 17 a good level? Thanks

OP posts:
Mezley · 04/08/2009 16:27

Agree with RedDeadFail, get them to check your blood again. I have been feeling like death for 3 weeks, and my blood was not very low, but low for me, so obviously it made me feel rubbish. Started on iron tablets now so hopefully I will pick up soon.

maybebaby23 · 04/08/2009 15:41

Oh thanks for taking pregnacare and im drinking lots. Not much resting going on though with an energetic 3 year old lol!

OP posts:
RedDeadFail · 04/08/2009 14:04

Yes low blood pressure could be causing this. Ask them to do another blood test and just double check your iron levels as there's a reserve level too or something like that which could be depleted. Also B12 could be a little low.

With low bp you need to take it easy and drink lots. Are you taking a good pregnancy supplement?

maybebaby23 · 04/08/2009 13:13

really?! Excellent thanks a lot for replying

OK so im absolutely shattered, a little breathless and just very lethargic all the time now. Seeing as my iron level is good, could low blood pressure be causing this?? Its not very low, but low for me. Thanks

OP posts:
DjangoTheDjinn · 04/08/2009 12:29

Think most people are between 12 and 16 btw, higher is better than lower. Mine's never more than 10 and they grumble at me about it.

DjangoTheDjinn · 04/08/2009 12:28

Absolutely fine. Good in fact.

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