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Sizing question - ordering tracksuit pants etc for post c section

5 replies

christiana · 13/06/2009 11:24

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christiana · 13/06/2009 11:52

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MrsHappy · 13/06/2009 11:43

I did have quite a bit of swelling after the op which is why I reckon enormous knickers are not a bad thing.

MrsHappy · 13/06/2009 11:42

I would probably get 14s too. TBH I wore maternity jeans and my PJs after my section and it was fine. Didn't need any special clothes except for knickers and with those I just grabbed what was on the shelves (sizes 16, 18 and 22! - am normally a 12). As I pulled them basically right up to my bra it made no difference how big they were.

Gosh I must have been attractive in those early weeks...

LaDiDaDi · 13/06/2009 11:29

Hmmm just musing again.

Post dd I bought some size 10 trousers from Next (usually a small size 8) and they fit me for a couple of weeks ut I only got to 32 weeks before having here but I also had massive wound problems and had to accomodate a drain from my tummy for 4 weeks.

LaDiDaDi · 13/06/2009 11:27

I wouldn't go up as big as 16 tbh. M&S size quite big anyway imo. I would go for 14 for the pants and then maybe one pair of 14s and one pair of 12s for the trakky bottoms and see what fits best.

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