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Back ache only, in labour?

9 replies

Fifidedeal · 29/04/2009 16:04

Hi, I'm new to MN and beng in labour! I am experiencing regular and painful back ache (roughly every 8 or 9 minutes) but this is not what I expected i.e. there is no pain from my bump. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I'm 40 + 6.

OP posts:
JODIEwantsanewname · 01/05/2009 10:58

Any news?

daisybaby · 29/04/2009 17:19

Some women experience all of the contraction pain in their back. It may be because the baby is in the posterior position (back to back with you).
Would advise you to keep active until bed time, spend lots of time on all fours - this relieves the pressure of the baby's head pressing on your sacrum, which is often the cause of the pain.
Try some hip rocking to encourage the baby into a good position - side to side and figure of 8 rocking are good.
Going up and down the stairs, if you have them, is also good for encouraging baby into a good position.

Bucharest · 29/04/2009 17:12

Me too.
Looks like you're on your way...good luck.

Tummum · 29/04/2009 17:11

My labours were also in my lower back also. My MWs said it was because the pelvis is opening / back flexing, this is why the pain is there (but this might be utter rubbish!)
Good luck !

belgo · 29/04/2009 16:11

I only felt the contractions in my back in two of my labours, so it could be the start. Good luck.

Fifidedeal · 29/04/2009 16:10

Good to know it's the real thing -thanks everyone!

OP posts:
PlumBumMum · 29/04/2009 16:08

my friends labour all started with lower back ache

ohh exciting good luck

claricebean · 29/04/2009 16:07

This is how my labour with DD1 started. Good luck!

JODIEwantsanewname · 29/04/2009 16:07

My labour started in my lower back and only when it really kicked in was it in my front.

Put your feet up and relax, maybe have a nice warm bath and good luck

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