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Pins&Needles anyone?

2 replies

ruthiemum · 14/04/2005 22:11

Does anyone suffer from pins and needles when they go to sleep? It happened in my 1st preg but I am only 16 weeks preg with 2nd and I can't remember happening this early and it seems worse this time, like it's all in my face and everywhere

OP posts:
kid · 15/04/2005 07:46

I had carpal tunnel with my first pregnancy. I used to wake up in the night with pins and needleds in both arms. I had to raise my arms to make it go quickly. One of the many conditions of pregnancy!

Mirage · 15/04/2005 06:22

I get pins & needles nearly all the time.It does seem to be a symptom of pregnancy.With dd I got carpal tunnel syndrome too,but hopefully this time I've managed to avoid it.It's amazing the weird things being pregnant does to your body.

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