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Anyone with diabetes??

34 replies

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 17:49

Hi, my hubby and I are trying to start a family. I am a diabetic and have been for 17 years, I'd like to chat with anyone with diabetes to share the experiences.

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Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:55

well you never know! nice chatting to you.

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:54

oh the glamour jimbob! we went to chessington the other day and couldn't get over how cheery the staff there were...maybe they're all at it..

anyhow, i must fly now so good look with the trying and hope to speak to you again soon, xxx

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:53

ha, ha, we met through work too, not what we do now though. We both worked at Alton Towers Hotel b4 we trained. We were both in housekeeping, I was a room attendant he was a linen porter!

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:50

aha. love across the copydesk (well, virtual, he was in a different office to me and we had a 50mile dash most evenings!).

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:50

we often joke that when the little ones are 8 dh can take over!!

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Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:48

did you meet through work?

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:48

gosh, we sound like matched pairs!

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:47

Nursery Nurse, DH Secondry school teacher

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:46

and you?

bundle · 25/03/2005 18:46

i work in radio, dh in tv

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:45

what do you do?

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:44

oh yes. my parents live not far away - nr St Helens. trouble is both me and dh can't really work outside of london, so we just have to put up with it.

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:42

Staffordshire, not too far from Alton Towers if you know where that is, Little town called Cheadle.

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:40

i know
i think i've overdramatised it a bit, you can get houses for 250k+ in some places but we really like and feel pretty settled here. it only takes me 1/2 hr to get to work. where are you?

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:39

oh my god! mine was only 85,000 for 3 bed, guess londons out for us then!

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:36

the houses in our street (which are pretty big) are around £650k, but you can get "cottagey" type ones for 450ish. gulp. (we'll probably end up moving further out but dd1 has just started school and i'm not moving her until i've found the right house/school/transport for us all)

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:34

Ah. That's fantastic. nice number too. how much is it in london for an average family house?

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:32

jimbob i'd love another but i'm 40 v soon and money is pretty tight (we'd like to move out of our flat into a house but the prices are v high where we live in london)..and don't want to push my luck now i have 2 beautiful daughters!

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:28

I was diagnosed when I was 7. Going to the loo alot, drinking gallons, and really moody. Parents took me to the docs when I started loosing loads of weight and hey presto!

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Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:27

lol! sure will. are you trying for more, having another or happy with 2?

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kama · 25/03/2005 18:26

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:25

just enjoy the trying


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Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:24

I guess. just strange for me I guess. Hope it doesn't take that long but knowing my luck!

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bundle · 25/03/2005 18:22

weird. haven't experienced that myself. we conceived 3rd month first time, then first month 2nd time but were incredibly lucky as it's completely "normal" to try for anything up to a year.

Jimbob80 · 25/03/2005 18:22

It was first response so i guess it would have picked up on it if pg by now

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