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Did you/ do you eat Camembert whilst pregnant?

26 replies

SniffyHock · 19/12/2008 18:13

That's it really, because I want some

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SniffyHock · 23/12/2008 11:23

Thanks for all opinions. Well I had red wine and a small amount of camembert last night and t'was delish

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BlueSapphire77 · 22/12/2008 20:14

Hmm probably trying to see how much you would come out with if she seemed open lol
Don't drink so i don't know, however, did binge drink before i found out was preg with my son, and took some naughty stuff, fortunately no harm done and now quite clean living lol
Didn't find out i was preg with daughter, now 14, until 5 months gone and did some mad drinking in that time..again no harm done so guess i was very lucky.
Dark chocolate and red wine are supposed to be good in moderation for your heart?
Anyway i'm being a bit of a hippie so guidelines = bah! lol

Patchybob · 22/12/2008 19:52

What about alcohol? When I had my booking appointment with the hospital the midwife was really encouraging drinking?! Clearly one or 2 a week and not out and out binging! I didn't drink at all in other 2 pregnancies as it wasn't enouraged...but she says guidelines have changed and it is now safe.
I knew this, but thought it odd that she was so encouraging!?

BlueSapphire77 · 22/12/2008 19:43

Hi yeah i had the eat dont eat list off my MIL and i took one look at my BF who is riddled with health problems and allergies and thought of my own 2 who are NEVER ill and have had all the childhood diseases ect , no hayfever asthma ect ect, then thought of 2 stepkids who's mum listened to MIL and are like their dad..riddled with health probs.
not saying its down to 'eating dangerously' lol i won't eat anything past its use by date for example, but i know what i'll be eating till i have this baby and while i'm breastfeeding!!

MichaelaS · 22/12/2008 03:12

I wouldn't worry too much, I've just had some camembert today myself, and had a runny egg sarnie last week too.

Lysteria can be damaging to the baby, but first of all it has to get in the food, then it has to survive your stomach, then it has to get into your bloodstream, and avoid your immune system and make its way to your womb. Unless you have open ulcers in your digestive system, it's pretty unlikely you'll have trouble.

Lysteria is pretty common, but its usually in low amounts. We all eat loads of bacteria all the time, and most of it does no harm whatsoever. We need certain types of bacteria in our gut for digestion to work properly. So, unless you're prone to getting stomach upsets all the time, or have ulcers, I wouldn't worry about it.

In my opinion, it's a bit like saying don't cross the road because you might get run over. Well, yes you might. Some people get run over, and some of those die. But most people are fine, and you can't spend your whole life looking for pedestrian crossings.

scully · 22/12/2008 00:25

As long as it's pasturised, I eat brie or camembert. I do avoid liver/pate etc as I figure there is a good reason they say not to have too much Vitamin A, same as the other things on the lists, side effects that weren't known about when our mothers were pregnant with us.
I have also read about avoiding salad bars and soft serve ice cream as well; listeria is destroyed by cooking but can grow in refrigerated food & you never know how long food has been sitting there, when you're buying it pre-packed.
Apart from alcohol, anything else we're advised to avoid aren't things that I eat on a daily basis anyway, so it isn't that hard to avoid them for 9mths. Gives me peace of mind anyway

Astrophe · 21/12/2008 23:59

I was under the impression that its the fact that they are 'mould ripened' that is an issue, even if they are pasturised. So pasturised feta=ok, pasturised brie=still not ok. I could be wrong on that though.

To say 'the human race survived before all these warnings' is a bit silly really. Personally I'm not happy for just the human race to survive as a whole - I want my individual baby to survive.

pinkmagic1 · 21/12/2008 23:54

I ate camembert, brie, even liver during both my pregnancies.
I knew a girl once, who wouldn't even touch prepared salads in case they were somehow contaminated, ridiculous!

trixymalixy · 21/12/2008 23:53

Mmm, we've just had a baked camambert with lots of crusty bread to dip in to it. Was delicious!!

BonzoDoodah · 21/12/2008 23:47

Ooohh I'm dreaming of St Agur - my favourite blue cheese. I may have to give in and go for it!
I also hadn't realised about the liver in haggis and tucked into it the other day. Eeek. It wasn't a huge piece though ... urg ... fingers crossed!

Doodle2U · 21/12/2008 21:07

The PRESIDENT brie or camembert is pasturised and I seem to remember being told it was OK in pregnancy.

LittleDoe · 21/12/2008 21:06

I agree BlueSapphire, and I also think it's really important to have a very broad diet during pregnancy for obvious health reasons but also to increase the chances of having a child who is a "good eater". I am determined to have such a child! I know easier said than done.

I think all pregnant women should just assess the potential risks of food and decide for themselves. If, like me, you are prone to worrying about things you have consumed they are probably better avoided! I totally respect those who eat whatever they like - I probably would if I wasn't such a "worry wort" (or so my husband says!)

2cats2many · 21/12/2008 20:53

Yes, and stilton too.

BlueSapphire77 · 21/12/2008 20:52

I have never avoided any foods and i think thats why none of my kids have ever had any allergies.
They're always changing these sodding lists anyway, my mum ate liver and onions, now they say too much vitamin 'A' ... hmph! I have eaten runny egg, goats milk, all kinds of cheese, pate, blah blah..peanuts, blah blah.. not because i don't care but at the end of the day from caveman up we have eaten odds and sods and the human race survives..albeit since all kinds of to eat and not to eat lists came up kids seem to have more allergies ect.. weird!

LittleDoe · 21/12/2008 20:46

Personally,I don't think it's a great idea to eat camembert as it is one of the things that ALWAYS appears on the "foods to avoid" lists. I have however heard that if it is cooked, it's okay.

I am reasonably relaxed about most food items too, I should point out. I'm 10 weeks and so far have managed to eat the following: parmesan & pecorino (I know there are mixed opinions on these), a slightly pink burger, haggis (which has liver in), scallops, a small piece of cooked brie and probably a few other banned items I am unaware of. Most of these I have only eaten once though (and then remembered I was meant to be avoiding them, often after panicking half way through)!

I do think that eating a small amount of any of the "foods to avoid" is unlikely to do harm. I just wouldn't keep eating them over and over again.

SniffyHock · 20/12/2008 13:52

Thanks everyone - I'm really relaxed about most things but avoided cheese and pate on my previous two pregnancies. I think I might have to get some nice camembert tomorrow...

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thinkingandsad · 19/12/2008 19:52


hkz · 19/12/2008 19:50

In my first pregnancy I was living in Hong Kong and they didn't give out any advice about what to eat and what not to, so I didn't think about it at all...and I was really really craving salmon sashimi the whole time.
I know it is safe to eat sushi as long as the fish used to make it has been frozen first as this kills the bacteria.

This time I am in the although I have tried to avoid camembert I haven't really managed it.

This link is quite good:

AnarchyInAManger · 19/12/2008 19:48

I ate it.

And vignotte, and brie, and dolcelatte...

Othersideofthechannel · 19/12/2008 19:44


I am in France.

Most Camembert is made with pasteurised milk nowadays. You have to look hard to find the real stuff ie unpasteurised milk.

I wasn't give any official advise on cheese during my pregnancies but it may be different nowadays.

SniffyHock · 19/12/2008 19:32

Where are you hkz? Why camembert cooked but not brie? I really don't want it cooked and am interested to know if the advice in other countries (eg France) is the same.

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hkz · 19/12/2008 18:36

I've been eating camembert, brie, sushi and countless other things that probably aren't recommened in the UK throughout this pregnancy and the last....


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lastboxoftampons · 19/12/2008 18:23

I'm not huge on cheese, but I have been having a bit of a craving for cooked camembert with cranberry I keep hoping to see some every time I go to a holiday party! It's safest if it's cooked.

wellbalanced · 19/12/2008 18:22

I ate it cooked...

hanapartridgeinapeartree · 19/12/2008 18:21

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