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Dreadfully painful abdominal trapped wind.... any tips to ease it?

29 replies

auntyspan · 07/12/2008 20:19

Hi everyone

Really suffering tonight with trapped wind - pain around my boobs and back has had me on all fours moaning - and I'm not usually a fusser. Pretty sure it's trapped wind, any ideas on how to MAKE IT GO AWAY!?!

OP posts:
LaurG · 26/03/2018 22:29

Are you constipated at all? I had similar pains a while back and the cause was spasms from constipation and wind. It was agony. Literally doubling over in pain. Ended up st the early pregnancy unit in tears.

I suffer from ibs and I’m usually quite good at keeping note of when I’ve not gone. But with the baby taking up lots of space I ended up bunged up quicker than usual. Coincided with 20 week scan so they took a look. Was totally backed up. Put me on a huge quantity of laxitices for a week.

I now take laxido every day to stop it reoccurring. If I’m not disciplined about it or fail to drink at least 2l of water a day it starts to hurt.

The only things I found that helped with the pain were a hot bath and massaging around where the pain is.

I would go to the doctor.

SuperSandy87 · 25/03/2018 18:59
Dreadfully painful abdominal trapped wind.... any tips to ease it?
Lozmatoz · 15/10/2017 07:01

@Nats1975 this thread is from 2008!

Nats1975 · 15/10/2017 02:07

Really!!! I think if you've ever suffered badly with it you wouldn't be saying that

chrisanddean · 02/09/2014 23:43

I've seen a previous post on here about trapped wind pain. This is the third day I've had this horrendous pain which lasts up to an hour each time. It eventually passes after loads of water, mints and "not so elegant" bum in the air position. Me and my partner have been trying for a baby and although it is too early for a test I was wondering if this is a common symptom in early pregnancy?

hubbahubster · 22/06/2014 16:35

Another vote for peppermint tea. Had two ELCS and got terrible trapped wind after both, and it really did help. Either pop out for some tea bags or grow your own mint. It grows like a weed and a few leaves scrunched with hot water over will sort you out.

PragmaticWench · 22/06/2014 13:21

I remember being on all fours, clinging to the bathroom radiator in the middle of the night with trapped wind last time I was pregnant. It was excruciating! Really feel for you OP. I used windeze and it really helped. Between the windeze, Rennie for heartburn and iron tablets for anaemia, I hated pregnancy!

AlwaysDancing1234 · 22/06/2014 13:20

I found bouncing on my gym ball helped or being on all fours with my bum up in the air, not the most flattering position I grant you! Mint tea is good also although I hate the taste!

oohdaddypig · 22/06/2014 12:35

I have this really badly too. For me it's partly because I'm chewing gum to stave nausea... Sorbitol is evil

Anyway, a useful yoga trick is to lie on your back and lift your left leg and put knee to chest, as best you can. Hold for 5 secs. Then do other leg. Repeat till relief felt!!

Chloris33 · 22/06/2014 12:33

Wind-eze tablets (simethicone). Perfectly safe in pregnancy, you can buy them over the counter. They do help, but try to take at earliest signs of the horrible bloating. It's so horrible, I am having this big time too. Fennel tea can also be soothing. Fizzy water and trying to burp a bit. xx

edenkxlly · 22/06/2014 10:24

Ow! usually a nice hot bubble bath helps and a laid a hot (brew) . Smile

ThingOne · 07/12/2008 21:41

I suffer from trapped wind a lot due to bowel surgery - boy does it exist moondog - and I always carry polos. They do well on their own - you don't need to melt them. Peppermint tea is the best. Moving around and stretching the area can help things move. It's grim but try to relax.

BabyBaby123 · 07/12/2008 21:38

i've had this during this pregnancy - have you got any Fybogel? Might help you go to the toilet and relieve it a bit

TortoiseRidesaReindeer · 07/12/2008 21:30

Agree with jalopy. It could be gall stones. My 1st attacks were when i was preg. Didn't know at the time that is what it was. Just thought it was very severe wind.

squeakypop · 07/12/2008 21:29

I remember it well. It makes you sympathetic of colic that your infants may get.

I think that silicone based treatments are teh most effective.

EightiesChick · 07/12/2008 21:27

Moondog, it's definitely not from want of trying that trapped wind is 'trapped'. Because of intestinal surgery I've had , I get this a lot - basically, when the wind is just stuck in your labyrinthine intestinal system and can't move down to the exit point. It's even worse now as I'm now 32 weeks & baby is making the blockage worse!

auntyspan, the suggestions of moving & peppermint tea are good. Bounce around on the toilet seat if necessary - sorry if TMI but I find it helps.

jalopy · 07/12/2008 21:27

It might be gallstones.

DaisyMooSteiner · 07/12/2008 21:10

OK, don't want to be alarmist, but this could also be epigastric pain which can be a symptom of something serious. I would phone your midwife or delivery suite and ask their advice, just to be safe.

EsmeWeatherwax · 07/12/2008 21:10

I got this loads in early pregnancy this time. Have you got any antacids? They sometimes work. Or get dh to rub your back a la a small baby getting up wind, that sometimes worked. Also, oddly enough, if I drank a wee fizzy drink sometimes that would shift it, encouraged burps!

moondog · 07/12/2008 21:08

Fair enough

auntyspan · 07/12/2008 21:02

i sincerely hope you don't ever suffer from trapped wind moondog. I'm active, and it's not a farty feeling it's up high around my ribs. And believe me, I'm not coy, if I needed to fart i would. It's actually taking my breath away at the moment.

OP posts:
moondog · 07/12/2008 20:55

I don't believe in 'trapped wind'.
Is it just a coy way of saying you need to fart/have eaten too much/don't move enough?


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noonar · 07/12/2008 20:49

sorry. forehead on ground. not chest.

noonar · 07/12/2008 20:48

'cat' yoga position. all fours. bum in air. stretch out arms in front of you and drop chest and head to the ground.

rolandbrowning · 07/12/2008 20:47

Drink hot water, as hot as you can stand. Always works for me, also try to move around.

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