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37 weeks, can I take lempsip/benylin flu remedey tablets?

3 replies

jm54 · 02/11/2008 19:01

The packets say things like 'care should be taken in administration during pregnancy', which makes me think it's probably ok, but does anyone know for sure?

OP posts:
jm54 · 02/11/2008 21:23

Thanks both. Am playing safe and opting for plain old paracetamol - like the hot lemonade idea, pp!

OP posts:
kitkat9 · 02/11/2008 19:10

I was always told not to take them, but Boots do their won version of lemsip which only has paracetomol in it, which is fine, and seems to have the same effect.

PurplePillow · 02/11/2008 19:04

I was told to stay away from these whilst pregnant.

Try warmed lemonade and paracetamol, it works like lemsip but without all the additives hth

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