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Period pains at 33 weeks - need reassurance

31 replies

artichokes · 23/10/2008 20:01

I am 33 weeks today and all day I have had mild BHs but I also keep getting period cramps. They are not very intense but they are painful.

Normally I would just try and ignore them but DH is totally uncontactable until tomorrow night so I am nervous. Also I left my mobile at work and we have no landline so if I do need to call for help I can't.

I am sure it is all paranoia. Tell me period pains are nothing to worry about.

OP posts:
EffiePerine · 23/10/2008 21:45

Honestly, can you not email a friend to get them to drop off their mobile for the night?

good to hear the pains a dying down tho - could you have been overdoing it a bit?

artichokes · 23/10/2008 21:45

I think the baby is OK liaghen. She is moving about less which is making me feel better.

OP posts:
artichokes · 23/10/2008 21:47

Effie - I cannot think of any RL friends who live nearby who are likely to check e-mail at this time of night. All my neighbourhood friends are mums and very rarely near a computer. All my blackberry carrying friends live on the other side of town.

I love mobile phones but you become so reliant on them. I only realise htat when I loose them.

OP posts:
EffiePerine · 24/10/2008 09:08

all OK this morning?

artichokes · 24/10/2008 10:06

Fine thanks Effie. I went to bed and the pains died down. I had a bit of an upset tummy in the night but feel fine now. Maybe it was all related.

Thankfully I have made it to me desk, am reunited with my mobile, and am expecting DH back in 12 hours .

OP posts:
EffiePerine · 24/10/2008 11:27

Hurrah! You might want to consider a spare mobile to keep at home in case of pg brain/your DD posting yours down the loo

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