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20 week scan tomorrow - Do I or don't I find out the sex??!!

37 replies

pinktree · 15/10/2008 19:56

ARH I just can't decide - help me!

This is my second dc and I did find out the first time.

It wasn't a disappointment knowing, it was lovely AND it was still a surprise meeting my baby boy!

I do however have a slight preference this time round....

Part of me feels like keeping the inlaws guessing as they've pretty much said they want a granddaughter! (they have 3 grandson's)

OP posts:
dan39 · 22/10/2008 20:56

Ok so i had only read page one when I posted, missed the fact that you decided not to find out - well done!! You are SO right about the outfits tho - all one or the other, which must be a reflection on the growth of ple knowing beforehand.

Good luck with the rest of it and enjoy your speculation!!

notnowbernard · 22/10/2008 20:55

Oops, just seen your last post

The excitement is fab and kept me going in labour

notnowbernard · 22/10/2008 20:54

Don't do it!

It's like knowing the result of the FA cup final before watching the actual match!

But enjoy the scan whatever you decide, and congratulations

dan39 · 22/10/2008 20:52

Maybe don't buy too many specific things- they do get it wrong! Imagine a whole fairy palace if its a boy really!

I personally hate the pink/blue (children, esp girls, are pigeonholed so much in their lives I hate the idea that it starts pre-birth) thing and tho we both know what we are having, we are telling everyone we don't as I REALLY like having a secret to ourselves!! (and \i am normally rubbish with secrets)

Having said that, I have a lovely secret thrill at cute (tho non-pink) girls stuff!

PS No offence at all intended to the pink fans out there btw!

lauraloola · 17/10/2008 20:30

I guess everything went ok at the scan? Well done for not finding out! Make sure you prepare yourself for a boy as well as a girl! I look forward to the birth announcement in a few months time

pinktree · 17/10/2008 17:29

Hi everyone!

Sorry for not posting earlier my dh and I took full advantage of the rare afternoon off together so we wined (sort of..0.5% larger for me!) and dined and bought shoes!

Anyway we didn't find out! Was very tempting and it certainly wasn't obvious to us what sex bean is.

I do have my suspicions it's girl though so we shall see!

I'm very excited it will be SO different I think going through labor STILL not knowing.

Only down side is that when we went to a few shops after and looked at stupidly gorgeous baby outfits they all seem to be just blue or pink!

Thanks so much for all your advicex

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hatrick · 17/10/2008 14:56

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Eniddo · 17/10/2008 14:49


lauraloola · 17/10/2008 14:47

Did you find out??

xJulesx · 16/10/2008 20:09

My 20 week scan is in a couple of weeks time,
I really want to know the sex but partner is not sure, every one i mention it to says as long as the baby is healthy it shouldn't matter.
If i am honest with my self [like pinktree] i would love a girl as well so would partner.....
I agree with lauraloola best to find out and be prepared.

lollyheart · 16/10/2008 18:41

Did you find out?

frazzledoldbag34 · 16/10/2008 13:43

I'm not keen on surprises and prefer to know.
Didn't find out with DD1 although had amnio so was offered the choice - said no. Then spent the rest of the preg in a state of anxiety about whether it was a girl or not (I was really hoping for a girl).
Second time I found out, (wanted another girl and got one!). Didn't tell A SOUL. Not even DH. (He likes surprises).

Just remember that if you do find out, nobody needs to know. It's a lovely secret to keep!
(and funny when everyone goes 'yup, DEFINITELY a boy' with a knowing nod, and you think to yourself 'um, no, wrong!' whilst smiling sweetly.

Good luck
By the way if you do find out you have to tell US!

CarolsFavourite · 16/10/2008 12:27

We found out a few wks ago and I love knowing, it was like a midway present, we were so excited we went a bought some of the gorgeous little boy stuff i'd seen before we knew and I don't feel like the fun is gone now we still have seeing him to look forward to and my grl friends are all placing bets on weight n due date now so I still feel we have a lot to be excited about. Nice to call my bump he now and not it which I hate but when you don't know it kinda just comes out. Let us know what u decide xxx

tinkisgoingtohaveapumpkin · 16/10/2008 12:07

i was like this before we found out this time round.
i have a dd and get thinking how it would be lovely to have a boy so that i had one of each, was panacking what would i feel if it was a girl
when i found out i was having a girl i was so happy, dd really wanted a sister and is happy and they will be sharing a room. also i luv all the cute pink outfits, dd had some gorgoous ones too have been having a sort thorough
good luck

lauraloola · 16/10/2008 11:05

I want another one in about a years time. I already have a 4mo daughter and would be horrified to have a boy!!

Maybe it is better if you do find out. That way if it is a boy you can get yourself prepared and looking forward to it x

pinktree · 16/10/2008 10:11

Still don't know! Scan at 3 this afternoon.

Can't believe it's so hard to decide it was easy first time round when the person with the 'thing' (sorry terrible bout of pregnancy brain mush!) asked we were like "hell, yeah!"

I think if I'm honest I suppose i really don't want to be disappointed I know a healthy baby and all that but I can't help my feelings that I would love a girl.

Sorry in advance if this pisses anyone off

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2point4kids · 16/10/2008 09:23

Did you find out?

mumoverseas · 16/10/2008 09:14

I didn't find out with my first two (aged 15 and 12) as they didn't tell in those days. With DD (now aged 2) we weren't going to find out but at the last minute we did and it was lovely as she had her name 4 months before she was born and was already part of the family before she arrived. I'm 21 weeks now with DC4, have the scan on Saturday and am hoping we'll get to find out this time.
Maybe you'll just know at the scan whether to find out like we did.

tinkisgoingtohaveapumpkin · 16/10/2008 09:03

we were desperate to find out @ 20 week scan and couldnt as bean had legs crossed all the time later payed for a 3-d scan nd found out we are having another girl.
would definetly recommend i have been buying pink cute outfits and we have a name now makes bonding much better

pinktree · 15/10/2008 21:17

My dh would LOVE to find out but he says ultimately it's up to me - which is why it's so tempting to just say 'ok' iyswim?

My parents haven't really brought it up actually even though we see them loads and they're very pc about it - you know what ever YOU decide kinda thing.

It's dh's parents and ancient grandmother that get on my nerves asking me to "do me a favour and give me a Granddaughter"! To be fair this was the Grandmother who is 86 AND difficult.

It does make me worry a tiny bit that if this one is a boy will they be bothered? Obviously we will be and my parents!

Woops making them out to be selfish buggers

OP posts:
SesHasapinkline · 15/10/2008 21:03

how much involvement have your DH/DPs had in the decision? Just that they've not been mentioned so far and I was thinking this would help my DH feel more involved. I'm even debating letting him decide...

pinktree · 15/10/2008 20:59


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JodieO · 15/10/2008 20:54

I found out all three times and I was very pleased. I found out at 20 weeks with dd, but 12 weeks (private scans) with ds1 and ds2, it was so lovely being able to know what sex they were. I've had 5 miscarriages in the past and wanted to know everything as soon as I could.

I think I read on here before about the so called "surprise" when giving birth. She said a surprise would be giving birth to a cat/dog but that a baby is only ever a boy or a girl so not exactly a surprised in the real sense.

googgly · 15/10/2008 20:51

With ds 1, the very first thing I saw at the 20 wk scan was a big pair of bollocks! The only not to know might well be to keep your eyes shut.

pinktree · 15/10/2008 20:51

I'm so sorry for your losses and thank you for being so honest.

I will definitely let you know what I decide

Perhaps I'll know what to do when I'm in there?!

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