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Changes in Maternity leave rights - Money box Radio 4 now..

5 replies

moodlumthehoodlum · 06/10/2008 15:09


OP posts:
gem1981 · 06/10/2008 19:44

totally misread this thread - told Dh that after oct he would be entitled to more time off as pat leave - he got really excited and now is very disappointed WHOOPS

Jools1 · 06/10/2008 16:15

Not entirely sure, but I know annual leave accrues during maternity leave so, if you don't take leave before the baby is due and stay off for the rest of the year, I think you can take your annual leave just before mat leave starts or just after it finishes, ie it gives you another few weeks of paid "holiday" to extend the mat leave.

Cosmogirl · 06/10/2008 15:43

So you get whatever maternity you are taking plus 28 days?

Jools1 · 06/10/2008 15:25

Just looked it up, and it appears to be discussing some changes in maternity / paternity rights if the baby is born after Oct 08 - this link seems to explain it

Thanks for the tip-off It looks like statutory holiday entitlement is going up to 28 days, which is good news aswell

Cosmogirl · 06/10/2008 15:13


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