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head spinning whenever I even look down .....

3 replies

kitkat9 · 12/09/2008 16:01

I'm 25w today and have been quite breathless over the last few weeks... whenever I bend down, even just slightly, I can feel blood rushing to my head and I get quite dizzy - not so severe that I'm going to pass out or anything, but it's a bit disconcerting.

Is this actually anything to be concerned about? (dc3 btw)

Anyone have similar?

OP posts:
kitkat9 · 12/09/2008 16:11

my bp is usually on the low side, that's true. I'll mention it to my mw next time I see her.

it is a pita. thanks for replying!

OP posts:
MrsMattie · 12/09/2008 16:04

I would get it checked out. It could be low BP...or high BP...or a warning sign of something more serious, like pre-eclampsia. Definitely worth mentioning to MW/GP.

NatalieJaneIsPregnantAgain · 12/09/2008 16:03

Low BP. Nothing to be done. It is a huge PITA.

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