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is this normal - baby pushes head out so far i can rest a cup of tea flat on it

18 replies

wombleprincess · 01/09/2008 12:53

and then the hard lump goes down again.. other than being rather amusing (husband calls it his pint rest) its very uncomfortable! 33 weeks pregnant.

OP posts:
Nappyzoneneedssleep · 04/09/2008 10:10

and me eyeballs! - wow in labour i thought and you had energy to have a cup of tea and pause to rest a cup on its head as emerging - no that wouldnt be normal

Pinkjenny · 04/09/2008 10:08

DD used to do this. I swear when I woke up in the morning I could see her head moving around, like a little meercat.

Everyone told me it was her bum, but I always knew it was her head. And she was breech.

buzzzybee · 04/09/2008 10:05

lol i was picturin exactly the same

EyeballsintheSky · 04/09/2008 00:56

I was just picturing you balancing your tea cup in your fanjo region. Then I wondered if you were posting from the delivery suite if the head was out

EyeballsintheSky · 04/09/2008 00:56

I was just picturing you balancing your tea cup in your fanjo region. Then I wondered if you were posting from the delivery suite if the head was out

zazen · 04/09/2008 00:52

That's what I did AnnVan - I was turning from swimming on my back to swimming on my front and curled my legs under me while turning in the water - a mini sommersault and hey presto my turned baby - be warned though... it's such a weird feeling when they're that big, you might need to stay close to the edge of the pool to hold on afterwards as you catch your breath.

I also thought this post was about labour!!

PInkyminkyohnooo · 01/09/2008 17:03

I'd vote for it being it's bum, too. DS was a very lumpy bump and posterior you could see his bumsticking out and his feet on the other side sometimes.
Not very comfy for you, I shouldn't wonder!

Bicnod · 01/09/2008 16:56

thank you for this thread - i'm in the throes of horrible morning sickness and this made me laugh for the first time today

wombleprincess · 01/09/2008 15:16

well if it is its bum i think its just farted...

OP posts:
PhoebeLaura · 01/09/2008 14:37

Mine is also perfecting the bum sticking out position. I nearly freaked out this morning... I woke to a scene from Alien .

ConnorTraceptive · 01/09/2008 14:35

Read the title and I thought you meant during labour

wombleprincess · 01/09/2008 14:31

glad i am not the only one. sometimes i think it will pop out.

OP posts:
AnnVan · 01/09/2008 13:33

Mine sticks its bum right out and right under my ribs. Very uncomfortable, and it makes the most enormous bulge!
A lady on my ante-natal thread said she turned her breech baby by turning somersaults in a swimming pool.

mum2bagain · 01/09/2008 13:24

my baby sticks his bum right out too, at least I hope its his bum, to the left of my belly button, its a very strange feeling, how weird.

zazen · 01/09/2008 13:11

When i read this I didn't know what to think

Anyway, good luck in turning your babe. I went swimming and mine turned. very weird feeling, but I was delighted.
Your babe might be trying to turn with the gymnastics - have a swim - up and down a few lengths, on your back and front crawl - or just doggy paddle!!!! it might do the trick.

belgo · 01/09/2008 13:10

my baby does this, with its bottom. Yes it can be uncomfortable!

wombleprincess · 01/09/2008 13:08

well i suppose it might be, at my last appt she said i was breech but did say it could her bum ...

OP posts:
Nbg · 01/09/2008 12:54

Sure its not the babys bum?

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