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it hurts to sit down for periods of time.

29 replies

misdee · 01/02/2005 13:24

not my 'bits' but the bone around them iykwim. its like an aching dragging pain.

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misdee · 02/02/2005 15:43

still achey. stil lfed up and feeling fat . everything ok with bubs, tho had a panic earlier when they inputted data wrong and said bubs was breech, which she isnt!!

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Lucycat · 02/02/2005 12:34

misdee, just logged on. How are you feeling today? still as sore?

sparklymieow · 01/02/2005 22:36

call me if needed, i'll take my cordless phone to bed with me!! [GRIN]

misdee · 01/02/2005 20:37

am very twingey. mieow is on standby, but says i cant call this week as this she has too many apointments

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Leogaela · 01/02/2005 15:14

I'm also not nesting at all. TBH I am having some difficulty relating my squirming bump to a real human being. It still doesn't feel at all real that i will have a baby in a few weeks! Maybe its my intuition telling me the baby is still going to be a while longer in coming out!

Pidge · 01/02/2005 15:08

My dd was late, so I'm convinced I'm going to be well into March before this one pops out. Having said that I've heard of a couple of people recently whose second baby was early having been very late with the first, so you never know!

No signs of me nesting though. Think that would really freak dp out - he's the laundry wizard in our house!

Satine · 01/02/2005 14:55

I'm so envious - I was just thinking last night about how magical those first few hours with your new baby are - yeah, I know you're knackered and still hurting and filthy but it's such a wonderful lull before the every day stuff starts! Plus the labour is over!!

misdee · 01/02/2005 14:53

u can try and keep up lol. dd2 was 1 week early. (scan and LMP matched perfectly with her)

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Pidge · 01/02/2005 14:52

Don't go jumping the gun on us March girls yet

misdee · 01/02/2005 14:52

i'm impatient too. keep focusing on the scan date of 27th feb............

why is my LMP date a week behind eh!

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Angeliz · 01/02/2005 14:50

I'm nesting too with 3 weeks to go!

(Think i'm trying to trick my body into beleiving labour should be on the way )

I know i know, it's best off in a while but Oh My i am SO impatient!!!

misdee · 01/02/2005 14:50

i'm not very good at it, mind you. the place is still a mess. and i still havent found the stuff for my moses basket. might have to squeeze the cot in my bedroom instead if idont find it soon.

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Satine · 01/02/2005 14:49

Fancy doing some nesting round at my house?

misdee · 01/02/2005 14:45

have been nesting for weeks. think its boredom, when i actually clean the fridge and wash all the cupboards out i think thats full on nesting

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Satine · 01/02/2005 14:44

Oooh, nesting?!

misdee · 01/02/2005 14:43

still hurts. tho have just been cleaning the bathroom. (again)

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Leogaela · 01/02/2005 14:23

Misdee!!!! Any changes????

Lucycat · 01/02/2005 13:40

Do let us know first so we can star knitting!! ok perhaps not - but if I could I would

nutcracker · 01/02/2005 13:40
misdee · 01/02/2005 13:38

not that bad, will bring it up tomorrow. just very achey. hips surprisinly not that bad, bit of pain at the front of pelvis but mainly its lower down and hurts to sit. if i start having contractions or my waters break then i'll be off

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nutcracker · 01/02/2005 13:33

Do you think you need to ring the midwife or is it not that bad ??

Like i said it sounds very similar to when i went into labour with Dd2. My bump ached at first and then it was like the whole of my hips, bum, bits etc and it hurt to sit down. My waters broke later on that night.

nailpolish · 01/02/2005 13:31

i agree with nutcracker


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misdee · 01/02/2005 13:30

been sore the last day or 2. bump is lower as well. not as much pressure under my ribs. movements arent as 'strong' but still very active. she has hiccups atm lol.

OP posts:
nutcracker · 01/02/2005 13:29

Hmmm soundsa like it could be the start of things to me but then i'm no expert. If you feel like you can wait until tommorow then do but if you are worried then i would call your midwife.

nailpolish · 01/02/2005 13:28

did you tell her you were sore then? or hadnt it started back then

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