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37+ weeks and still no nesting!!

4 replies

horseshoe · 25/04/2008 15:35

In fact I have been slumming about in PJ's day in and day out. Usually going back to bed at 10ish until 1pm.

I can see the mess...just cant be bothered to do anything about it!

OP posts:
whomovedmychocolate · 26/04/2008 21:26

The only cupboard I got the urge to empty during pregnancy with DD was the food cupboard .

With this pregnancy I've been scrubbing floors since week 10 - I have no idea what that's all about

finallypregnant · 26/04/2008 09:16

Same here although hubby has kindly agreed to a cleaner for the first 2 months!

ZoeC · 25/04/2008 15:43

I think it's due to my natural sloveliness as a housewife, but I avoided the entire nesting thing twice I'm happy to say :D

God knows you'll get little enough rest soon enough so get it while you can I say

cazzybabs · 25/04/2008 15:37

I didn't nest with dd3 - it was most disappointing!

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