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3 weeks to go and heartburns getting WORSE!! Boo hoo!

11 replies

skiingmummy · 05/01/2005 14:13

I thought heartburn/indigestion was supposed to get better the nearer you got to the 'end'?! I now have almost constant icky pain and am chain-chewing gaviscon tablets. Anyone else been here?

Plus my friend who works in a pharmacy has got me worried saying you shouldn't eat too many gaviscon tabs as they can increase your blood pressure. Uh oh. I'm not due to see the midwife till Monday (last saw her on 20th Dec) so don't know whether to just stop eating and stop taking the tabs or to carry on regardless. What do you think? The packet doesn't really specify a limit.

Oh yes...Happy New Year everyone!! Isn't maternity leave wonderful?!

OP posts:
Lolasmum · 05/01/2005 21:51

Your bump shoudl drop soon. That often eases the indigestion off. In the meantime, ice-cream works a treat! The coldness takes the burn away and I'm sure the alkaline-ness of the milk must help too.

nailpolish · 05/01/2005 14:30

that sounds rude skiingmummy!

bakedpotato · 05/01/2005 14:28

you need a prescription. it's a lifesaver.

skiingmummy · 05/01/2005 14:22

Can I buy it at the chemist bakedtattie or do I need to get a prescription?

OP posts:
skiingmummy · 05/01/2005 14:21

NO way lowcalCOD!!!
It'll be the first thing I notice... well maybe the second after whether I've had a boy or girl.

OP posts:
bakedpotato · 05/01/2005 14:21

sounds like a swear word, works like a miracle

skiingmummy · 05/01/2005 14:20

Sounds like a swear word BP!!

Lol NP! I seem to have spent an awful long time assuming that position over xmas!!

OP posts:
lowcalCOD · 05/01/2005 14:18

and isnt it weird that when you give brth you never notice that it has gone!

bakedpotato · 05/01/2005 14:17

i have one word for you that could transform the next 3 weeks... ranitidine

nailpolish · 05/01/2005 14:16

get on the floor

bum in air, knees bent, head down

poor you

lowcalCOD · 05/01/2005 14:14

bloody hell its awful isnt it

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