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Worried about not sticking

4 replies

Fj12 · 18/04/2024 09:23

Hi all (newbie here) my partner and I have a nearly 7 year old and have been trying for another for coming up 2 years. Had all the fertility checks done and all have came back normal. I had a very early miscarriage last year.
I tested last night and again this morning (due my period tomorrow) I used the wondfo tests. I’m sure I see a line - even my partner agrees 🤣 I’m just terrified it’s not going to stick again.
firstly do you see the line?
secondly how do I stop myself going out of my mind with worry in these early days?

Worried about not sticking
OP posts:
Peonies12 · 18/04/2024 10:20

I see a line. Just remember there is nothing you can do to affect the outcome. Focus on what you can control and what helps you relax, and take it day by day. Statistically it's more likely to progress well, than not!

2mumlife · 18/04/2024 10:48

I see a line :) Sadly, there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. An early miscarriage is devastating but also natural - its your bodies way of ending a pregnancy that isn't viable. Hopefully this one sticks for you :)

deliwoman1 · 18/04/2024 12:05

Congratulations on your pregnancy, @Fj12. What dpo are you?

I'm in the same boat as you. I got my positive today at 10dpo, and am very nervous. We've been trying since last July and I had a surgery for an anembryonic pregnancy in late Dec. They caught it very early though. I'm ttc baby no.2 now, but the first time round I suffered recurrent miscarriage, including an ectopic.

It's impossible not to be anxious, isn't it? But like others can do I'm trying to surrender to the fact there's literally nothing I can do now but wait. Sending you lots of luck for a healthy pregnancy. ❤

Fj12 · 18/04/2024 13:03

@deliwoman1 congratulations!! Let’s hope for sticky babies!! I’m 12po. Are your tests getting darker? X

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