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Symptoms vanished at 10.5 weeks

2 replies

Hopingforbabynumber1 · 18/04/2024 08:29


I had a MMC last year and didn't find out until the scan.

This time round I have been feeling very sick and had very sore boobs.

Last week at about 10.5 weeks pregnant all my symptoms seem to have vanished. I have also for the past week been having very mild period like cramps no bleeding at all. I am very very worried that when I go for my 12 week scan in a weeks time it will be bad news. I had a scan at 9 weeks and baby was fine.

Hs anyone else gone through this and had a positive outcome?

OP posts:
Anny2020 · 18/04/2024 09:43

Hi @Hopingforbabynumber1 I haven’t got any advice unfortunately as I’m experiencing something similar myself. From my reading, I think it can be common for symptoms to start easing up around the 10 week point because of the placenta.
Could you contact the EPU about your concerns? They may offer you a scan, or at least some advice!

Cinai · 18/04/2024 09:48

Symptoms can come and go….I’m currently 18 weeks, my symptoms vanished at 9 weeks and I was sure that it’s over - like you, I had a MMC before this pregnancy. But all was well. Also I had mild cramping almost throughout the first trimester, and then again for a few days in my second trimester (which scared me). Wishing you all the best, try not to worry too much, pregnancy after a MMC is incredibly tough and worrisome.

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