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One sided back pain

3 replies

JRTfan · 17/04/2024 20:34

I'm 31 weeks and for the last couple of weeks have been getting pain in my back on the right hand side. It's about half way down and sometimes radiates round to my ribs. It's really bad when I sit down for longer than about 15 minutes. Goes away when I walk around or bounce on the ball.
It's only ever right hand side- baby is on the left side at moment so it's not her! I only have a small bump and it's the only issue I've had really. Just wondered if anyone else has had this?

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ACR7 · 18/04/2024 09:33

I’m 32weeks and I have just gotten through this. I had about a month of crippling back pain down my right side. It was awful. It sounds slightly different to yours as mine was fine when sat but really struggled to walk. It has been much better for about a week now so I’m hoping it doesn’t come back. My baby is on the right so maybe it was just baby laying on something and has slightly moved. Was excruciating though.

OopsieeDaisy · 18/04/2024 14:50

It sounds like it could possibly be sciatica which is quite common during pregnancy. I’ve recently been experiencing this and it’s like shooting pains only on my right hand side from my lower back right down my leg. Apparently it often goes after pregnancy so that’s good news!

JRTfan · 19/04/2024 07:26

Thank you I have a friend who is a massage therapist so hoping she can help me out. I've now also got numbness/pins and needles under my boobs I'm only 5ft 1 and fairly petite so guess it's probably all nerve/ligament stuff as I stretch outwards!

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