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36 weeks 5 days pregnant- is this normal?

5 replies

karrliz · 17/04/2024 20:13

Hi, I am currently 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant (37 weeks Friday!)

It's my 2nd baby and it's definitely been a different pregnancy! My first DD was small when born (5lbs 15oz) and born at 38+6 weeks.

This baby DD2 is already 6lbs 3oz according to growth scans and I have felt so heavily pregnant this time!!! I feel so much weight and pressure down low and have been getting watery discharge.

Is it normal to feel this type of pressure feeling at this stage? It's just like a big weight pressing down and especially in the evenings! Apparently she is already head down (according to midwife).

I am a stay at home mum with my 22 month old so I worry I am doing too much physical as she has a lot of energy! And I am worried I am going to go into early labour!!!

I don't mind if labour happens in the next couple of weeks, but my birth pool for my Homebirth isn't arriving until Friday!!!

Freaking out with what's normal and what's not?!

OP posts:
Cocothecoconut · 17/04/2024 20:22

Have you seen a midwife in regards to the discharge
it Could be your waters leaking

sarahc336 · 17/04/2024 20:30

The pressure is normal yes, it's worse with a second or third baby as the muscles are a tad looser after the first. The discharge could be normal, could be waters though 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe you should get that checked out? Or at least phone up?

allgoodthings84 · 17/04/2024 21:03

My first baby was 6lb 12oz when born at 41+1 weeks (8 days after due date) so would have been small if she was born early and I felt great right until the birth but my second was 7lbs 11oz at birth (39+2) and that extra nearly 1lb definitely felt a hell of a lot different even though still not exactly a big baby. I really feel for anyone who have to carry big babies. I had so much pressure in the last couple weeks it was very uncomfortable and at times painful.

I had a lot of watery discharge with my second towards the end and my waters didn’t break but if I was you I would get it checked just in case to be sure. My waters broke 20 odd hours before I went into labour with my first and she was born by emcs 30 hours after they broke but I still got an infection.

karrliz · 18/04/2024 07:43

Thank you for your replies! I agree, I really feel for anyone carrying a big baby! The pressure and heavy feeling is so hard each day and like you say, sometimes painful!

I did mention the discharge to my midwife and she said it was completely normal and a good thing. I would be more concerned, but I have had watery discharge throughout my pregnancy and I always find it happens after being quite active- so for example after playing in the garden with my little one. I'd say it happens every other day!

Good to know the pressure feeling is normal though, I get myself freaked out each night that it's going to be 'the night!' And I'm like 'but I don't have my birthing pool yet' hahaha!

OP posts:
2mumlife · 18/04/2024 10:52

@karrliz Pressure is totally normal. My DD was 8.5lbs at birth (few days after due date) and it felt like having a bowling ball pressing down by the end (DD was head down from 28 weeks)

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