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Pregnancy cravings - give in or not

6 replies

OceanStorm · 17/04/2024 19:10

I'm around 6 weeks pregnant and having intense cravings for unhealthyish food.

I generally eat healthy but I'm not as slim as I was pre dc (size 14).

I'm craving unhealthy food - crunchy nut cornflakes, hotdogs etc.

I have even spent hours watching spud man!

Do I give in to any of these cravings or try to be strict and healthy?

OP posts:
HappyAsASandboy · 17/04/2024 19:34

If your worst cravings are crunchy nut cornflakes and a hot dog then I would personally eat them.

But then I'd eat those things if I wanted them even if I wasn't pregnant.

Pregnancy is long and hard on the body and mind. Eat what you want to eat (within reason - try to stick to actual foodstuffs). You'll probably find that you don't crave them as much if you just let yourself have a sensible amount of them.

Lavender14 · 17/04/2024 19:36

I was really sick in first trimester, carby fatty food was for some reason the only thing I could keep down and it was what in craved so I ate it. If its in moderation then its fine same as it would be if you weren't pregnant. I just wouldn't eat it all day every day.

Cronchy · 17/04/2024 19:41

If your worst cravings are crunchy nut cornflakes I think you’re beating yourself up over ‘unhealthy’ food way too much.
cereal is a common craving, it’s got added vitamins and typical is served with milk - calcium and fats your body is probably craving. Yes it might be high in sugar or something you shouldn’t ideally eat multiple bowls of a day. But a couple of days eating a bowl of crunchy nut isn’t going to kill you or harm your baby.

And just have a hot dog. Obviously smashing in 20 hot dogs may not be ideal, but have a hot dog, you’ll be fine

allgoodthings84 · 17/04/2024 21:08

In the early days of my second pregnancy I had a large bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes every day and enjoyed not feeling sick for a little bit while eating them. In pregnancy often if you crave something it’s because it contains something your body is wanting/needing.

Peonies12 · 17/04/2024 21:17

I could only face cereal in my first trimester. If I hadn’t eaten it I would have struggled! I’ve gone back to much healthier diet in second trimester

FlyingHighFlyingLow · 17/04/2024 21:22

First trimester I couldn't eat I was so nauseous. Off chance I fancied something it wasn't healthy. I just ate what I could keep down, still ended pregnancy over 6kg lighter than before. I'd go 2 weeks on a few tortilla chips and slices of toast then suddenly crave a pizza hut and eat a large pizza to myself 😂. After nausea abated about 25 weeks I didn't really get cravings. When I did it was usually a sign I was overdoing it.

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