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Diazepam during pregnancy

5 replies

Lucky2610 · 17/04/2024 19:05

Hello, so I was prescribed diazepam, Cymbalta and propranolol about 4 years ago for servere mental health problems. My doctor suggested I stay on these as they are all low dose and my mental health deteriorated during the first trimester. I’ve only ever used the diazepam a handful of times during the whole pregnancy. I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant and today I’ve had to take a diazepam because of serious panic attacks which I can’t seem to control, I’ve took 5mg which has eased me but I’m now terrified because I’ve heard taking them in the third trimester can cause the baby to be drowsy when born, I won’t be taking anymore no matter how bad I feel. I just wanted some advice really, i feel awful 😫 baby’s been scanned more times because of my meds and everything is looking good she’s actually measuring bigger than average , no defects on scans and overall they said everything is perfect. I still can’t help but worry 😫 will this one off dose affect her when she’s born.

OP posts:
SouthwestSis · 17/04/2024 19:51

As long as baby isn't born in the next couple of days then the diazepam will be out of your system by then and baby shouldn't suffer any drowsiness when born.

Remember that what's good for you is also good for baby including your mental health, so don't beat yourself up about this.

LavenderSweetPea · 17/04/2024 20:33

The one dose you've had recently won't make baby drowsy, but to be honest a baby whose a bit drowsy in the first day or two, well there's worse things that could happen. It won't harm them, it's important that you look after yourself as well and and are feeling as well mentally as you can. Nu all means limit the meds if you can do so safely, but don't risk your own wellbeing just for the sake of baby being a little bit more alert at birth.

MumChp · 17/04/2024 20:57

Go with your doctor and midwifes. Ir doesn't sound alarming at all to me.

Ems1992 · 18/04/2024 12:21

5mg is a small dose for diazepam (prescribed correctly for what you are experiencing I will add) I wouldn’t worry.

If you have an increased amount of panic attacks I would discuss this with your mental health worker (assuming you have one due to what you’ve written). Perhaps they can support you in managing your symptoms without medication, especially if the medication is causing further anxiety following using it like in this instance. If you don’t have a mental health worker, I would suggest your perinatal mental health team, you can access these through your MW or HV (if you aren’t already)
hope you’re better soon!

Lunamoon23 · 18/04/2024 19:09

Slightly different but I'm 5 weeks and I'm on mitazipane, I contacted my GP as soon as I found out we was worried about it.

My GP informed me that maintaining my mental health throughout my pregnancy is very important and there is no evidence that taking it during pregnancy causes any harm to babies. I will speak at more length with my midwife about it at my first appointment but I found it reassuring.
I have read with anti depressants the only side effect is that baby maybe a little groggy and agitated after birth due to withdrawal but it's short lived and nothing to be concerned about.
Anxiety meds maybe different because of the effect they have on your heart rate of course: but I'd listen to your midwife/DR, they won't misinform you and your mental wellbeing is very important whilst pregnant for both you and baby. ❤️ xxx

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